Моды на майнкрафт 1.11 мутанты

Если вы хотите сделать обычных мобов более суровыми и выносливыми, то стоит скачать мод на Майнкрафт 1.11.2 на мутантов. Данное дополнение на мутантов создает небольшой шанс появления более сильной версии обычных мобов. Такие существа будут значительно превосходить своих предшественников по силе и внешнему облику, благодаря особенностям версии игры Майнкрафт 1.11.2.

Мод на мутантов

Список монстров, способных переродиться в мутированном состоянии, следующий:

  1. Энедермен.
  2. Крипер.
  3. Снежный голем.

Несмотря на то, что количество таких существ сильно ограничено, и вероятность их появления достаточно низкая, каждый такой мутант может доставить уйму неприятностей игроку. Мутанты имеют целый ряд уникальных способностей, которые сильно помогают им в сражении.

Создание мутантов

Если вы не хотите ждать, пока монстры придут к вам, а хотите сделать их самостоятельно, то нужно приготовить зелье мутации. Для создания эликсира на мутантов, нужно выполнить следующее:

  1. Скачать мод на Майнкрафт и установить его, если данная операция еще не производилась.
  2. Приготовить колбу с водой.
  3. Собрать четыре блока обсидиана.
  4. Разместить предметы по указанной схеме.

Готовое средство нужно бросить в противников и ждать результата. С определенной вероятностью противник превратится в новое существо, либо погибнет, не сумев справиться с происходящими процессами. Таковы законы природы в игре Майнкрафт.

После броска появится небольшое облако черепов. Моб, попавший в зону влияния, будет заражен.

Некоторых мутантов, свинопаук - смеси свиньи и паука, можно приручить. Это стало возможно, так как поведение существа аналогично поведению свиньи в игре. Он станет отличным выносливым средством перемещения по игровым локациям. При игре с друзьями или просто незнакомыми игроками, можно удивить их таким необычным животным.

Многопользовательский режим

Данный мод часто используется на фановых серверах, куда игроки приходят за развлечениями. При желании его можно ставить на локальный сервер, чтобы получить возможность играть со своими приятелями по сети.

На этой странице можно скачать мод на Майнкрафт 1 11 2 на мутантов. На сайте сайт можно найти и другую информацию по игре, а также интересные дополнения к ней.

(cкачиваний: 435)

If you like Minecraft, then a good idea to enrich the number of enemies that you can find in the game is to install the Mutant Creatures Mod . This is a very good idea because usually mutants aren’t a part of Minecraft, yet with this mod you can add them with ease and check out some new, whenever you install it.

This mod allows you to encounter a new set of creatures that are basically mutated versions of the mobs that were already in the game. The former enemies are now mutated and they are actually transformed into mini-bosses, which makes the a great way to make the gameplay even more challenging and exciting than it really is right now.

However, this mod is not all about having a challenging gameplay, instead it also comes with some other neat features as well. For example, each time you kill such a mob, he will drop a special item that you can use in order to get a major advantage during the long gameplay sessions.

Adding Mutant Creatures Mod Minecraft is a very good idea if you are just tired of playing the game experience over and over again. If you want to add bosses in the world of Minecraft, then it is indeed a necessary add-on that will bring you a ton of exciting moments at all times.

Alongside the mutated enemies, here you can also find a multitude of other items as well. For example, you can find a chemical X, a reminiscence from the Powerpuff Girls cartoon, and at the same time you can also create your own mutant if you want, something that’s quite interesting and exciting at the same time.

Moreover, an interesting feature in the mod comes in the form of creeper stats items. These can be created with regular items and they just enable you to figure out how much health your creeper has before it explodes. After you craft the item, all you need to do in this Mutant Creatures Mod 1.7.10 is to right click any of your and you will be able to see the info shared there. Not only that, but you can actually share the name at the same time, which is really cool.

With a lot of interesting features and an exciting new way of sprucing up the Minecraft world in ways unlike none seen before, it is definitely one of the best experiences you can find in Minecraft, especially if you are looking for more powerful bosses.


Mutant Snow Golem

Mutant Enderman

Mutant Zombie

Mutant Creeper

Creeper Stats

Can’t tell how much health your minion has? Forgot whether your minion can only explode one time? Check its information with the creeper stats item:

Right-click a tamed creeper minion with this to see its info. You can even change its name!

Changing Name – click the top button and type in your new name; then click the button again to finalize it.

Blast Radius – default creeper minion blast radius is 1.0; a normal creeper’s blast radius is 2.0

Chemical X – Make Your Mutant

Itching for battle? Dying for a strong companion? Your dreams have arrived in a small bottle of Chemical X!

Throwing Chemical X onto the ground creates a skull spirit that picks one random mob nearby and infects it.

Then, (if a mutant is available), there’s a 50% chance that the mob will turn into a mutant! If not, it’ll kill the mob . Use wisely!

To prevent problems, you can throw Chemical X directly at an entity to infect it.


How to install:

  • Download
  • Right click, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you’ve installed Minecraft Forge)
  • Open Start on desktop => Open Run (Or you can use the Windows +R keyboard shortcut)
  • Type %appdata% into Run and press enter
  • Go to folder /.minecraft/mods
  • Put the jar file of modinto mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done!

(cкачиваний: 44570)

Mutant creatures – это совершенно новый , который был создан достаточно недавно. Ввиду того, что в игре существует очень скудный список врагов, разработчики мода решили исправить это. Многие игроки считают, что игра становится очень простой. Раньше, гулять ночью было опасно, ведь враждебные мобы составляли некоторую опасность. Но, теперь, эта опасность прошла вместе с опытом игроков. Многим не хватает разнообразия. Теперь это разнообразие доступно в игре. Скачайте и установите данный мод, и вы забудете о тихих и спокойных ночах, когда вы могли оставить своего персонажа не в своем доме и пойти пить чай. В игре появится масса новых мобов. Зомби станут больше и сильнее.

Криперы мутируют, станут более сильными и приобретут способность вызывать небольших криперов. Весь мир изменится до неузнаваемости. Но, есть и другая сторона медали. С небольшим шансом у вас будет возможность призвать своего помощника, который будет сопровождать вас по игре как волк или кот. Испробуйте и вы новый мир приключений.



1. Установите для клиента или сервера

2. Поместите zip архив в вашу папку mods

Mutant Creatures Mod 1.10.2/1.9.4 is a magnificent modification which enables numerous creatures into your Minecraft. The genre basically address towards the mobs which are usually available in the normal game but hard to find whenever required. The tool helps you to get the creature with little bit of buffed abilities from the original ones. So that you can kill them. Just have a glimpse of what is coming next.

You can retrieve some great items by killing the mini-bosses and also it doubles the fun of the game altogether. By terminating each mob you will get a special item which is not specific but random. Also you can use that item for your benefit and during the multiplayer game.

Mutant Creatures Mod for Minecraft 1.10.2/1.9.4/1.9:

For 1.8.9 – Available after release

For 1.7.10 (Direct) –

For 1.7.10 (Curse) – MutantCreatures-1.7.10-1.4.9.jar (Ver 1.4.9 | File Size: 1.03 MB)

How to Install Mutant Creatures Mod 1.10/1.9.4/1.9

To get the Mutant Creatures up and running, download and run Minecraft Forge installer for your game version. It is a mandatory step as this mod uses Forge API files in order to function.
Download Mcreatures.jar from the link above, keep it for a while. Do not try to extract the mod files.
Now open the mods directory

For Mac:

Click “Go” on the OS X menu bar and then click “Go to Folder.”
Type “~/Library/Application Support/minecraft” and then click “Go.”

For PC:

Press WindowsKey+R, type %appdata%/.minecraft and press Enter.
Now access mods folder and copy/move the mod file that you download earlier.
Now Start Minecraft Launcher, click Edit Profile and select Forge profile. Start the game, you will see a “mods” menu which will show you a list of added mods.
Create a new world and enjoy your modded Minecraft.

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Mutant Creatures Mod 1.13.1 and 1.11.2 is a mod that adds different dynamic to the mobs in minecraft 1.10.2, it spawns mutated mobs all over the map, are mutant creatures with special powers.

Minecraft has been known as one of the most popular games in the world due to its additions, innovations and dynamism. One area where it has been able to show such level of creativity is the introduction of Mutant Creatures Mod. This mod has been able to make sure that now your minecraft experience is fun filled as it adds mods that are mutated to your minecraft world. You will have the maximum satisfaction of this mod if you are doing an upgrade to .

Have you been looking for a way to get access to mobs that are much stronger in terms of their abilities? Then this mod is recommended for you as this is what it is all about. The mobs are an upgraded version of what you used to know as they have additional features that have made them to appear stronger and more aggressive. You can call them the boss mobs. These mobs are far more dynamic as compared to the ones that were being used in minecraft game before now.

Another exciting thing about Mutant Creatures Mod is that it has been able to add chemical X as well as a new portion. This chemical makes it possible for you to easily kill a mob or have it mutated when it is thrown at it.

Have you ever imagined that you could make use of those mutant creepers in your favour? This is what this mod offers you when you upgrade to minecraft 1.12 version . They can help you in your attacks of the major ones. They can carry out functions as either cats or wolves and you need to ensure that they have the required strength by having them well fed.

The only danger is that they can explode at any time so be at alert. Make sure that they aren’t too close to you. This is because in an attempt to assist you they may just be causing more harm than good. So watch it.

Features of Mutant Creatures Mod

  • You will need animation API to make this mod successful.
  • Creepers are divided into two categories. These are the hatch creepers which you can use to your advantage and the normal ones.
  • Items that could be helpful and advantageous to players are dropped by mobs.

Mutant Creatures Mod 1.11 Installation

  1. Download and install .
  2. Download Mutant Creatures Mod.
  3. Open the Mods folder for that go in Start and Run : %appdata%\.minecraft/mods.
  4. Drag the files to your mods folder (once downloaded Minecraft Forge and test it should auto create this folder).
  5. Open your and make sure to use the profile the forge api created.

Note: If you are still having to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Download Mutant Creatures Mod

“All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below.”
Official Links for Minecraft 1.10.2/1.10/1.9/1.8/1.7.10:

Download Mutant Creatures