Льюис Кэрролл: «Приключения Алисы в Стране чудес» - Адаптированная аудиокнига на английском языке. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Идиомы, связанные с книгой Л.Кэррола О Льюисе Кэрролле

Адаптация текста, составление комментария и словаря Е. В. Лаптевой

© Лаптева Е. В., адаптация текста, комментарии, словарь

© Положенцева Д. В., адаптация текста, грамматический комментарий, словарь

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2016

О Льюисе Кэрролле

Настоящее имя Льюиса Кэрролла, автора известной сказки о девочке Алисе, – Чарльз Лютвидж Доджсон. Впервые автор использовал псевдоним в годы студенчества, когда отсылал в различные журналы свои первые стихотворения и короткие рассказы. Псевдоним Льюис Кэрролл был придуман по совету писателя и издателя Йетса. Он образован из настоящих имен автора Чарльз Лютвидж, которые являются соответствиями имен Карл (лат. Carolus) и Людовик (лат. Ludovicus). Автором были выбраны другие английские соответствия его имени, которые он поменял местами.

Льюис Кэрролл родился в 1832 году в Англии, в графстве Чешир. Автор был сыном приходского священника деревни Дарсбери. Помимо него в семье было 10 детей. Образованием маленького мальчика занимался его отец – человек образованный и рассудительный. С раннего возраста Льюис Кэрролл проявлял большой интерес к точным наукам и вычислениям. С детства Льюис был левшой, однако родители старательно переучивали его писать правой рукой. В возрасте 12 лет мальчик поступил в частную школу Ричмонда, а уже в 18 лет учился в престижном колледже при Оксфордском университете. Все отмечали невероятный талант будущего автора, его отличные способности к математике и философии. Получив степень бакалавра точных наук, Льюис Кэрролл в течение 26 лет читал курс математических лекций в Крайст-Чёрч. По уставу колледжа преподаватель должен был носить духовный сан, поэтому Льюис Кэрролл получил сан диакона. Богословие всегда интересовало будущего автора.

Писательскую карьеру Льюис Кэрролл начал в годы учебы в колледже. Постепенно он приобрел известность. С 1854 года его художественные произведения и миниатюры стали появляться в серьезных английских изданиях: «Комические времена», «Поезд». Помимо литературных произведений Льюис Кэрролл публиковал много научных трудов по математике под своим настоящим именем. Он занимался евклидовой геометрией, линейной и матричной алгеброй, математическим анализом, логикой и занимательной математикой (играми и головоломками). Однако, его научные публикации не оставили заметного следа в истории математики, так как его достижения в области математической логики опередили свое время.

В 1864 году Льюис Кэрролл написал свое знаменитое произведение «Алиса в Стране чудес» – сказку, в которой рассказывается о девочке Алисе, которая попадает сквозь кроличью нору в волшебный мир, населенный необычными существами. Книга стала одним из лучших образцов литературы жанра абсурд. В тексте произведения используются многочисленные математические, лингвистические и философские шутки и головоломки.

Вторая сказка автора «Алиса в Зазеркалье» является сюжетным продолжением первого произведения. Прототипом главной героини сказки считается маленькая девочка Алиса, дочка декана колледжа Крайст-Чёрч, в котором автор читал лекции.

Нередко творчество Льюиса Кэрролла рассматривают как начало жанра фэнтези. Сказки автора не теряют своей популярности среди взрослых и детей. «Алиса в Стране чудес» и «Алиса в Зазеркалье» были неоднократно экранизированы.

Alices Adventures In Wonderland

Chapter 1. Down the Rabbit Hole

Alice was tired of 1
was tired of – устала от…

Sitting near her sister on the bank of the river. She had nothing to do :2
She had nothing to do – ей было нечего делать

Once or twice she looked into the book that her sister was reading. But the book had no pictures or conversations in it. “What is the use of a book ,3
What is the use of a book… – какая польза от книги…

” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?”

She was thinking about making a daisy-chain 4
daisy-chain – венок из маргариток

But the day was hot and she felt very sleepy and lazy. Suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.

The Rabbit said to itself “Oh dear! Oh dear, I shall be late! 5
Oh dear, I shall be late! – О Боже, я опоздаю!

” Then it took a watch out of his waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and hurried on. Alice stood up and burning with curiosity 6
burning with curiosity – умирая от любопытства

Ran across the field after it. So she was just in time 7
just in time – как раз вовремя

To see that the Rabbit jumped down a large rabbit hole under the hedge.

Alice went down after it. The rabbit hole was like 8
was like – была похожа на

A tunnel and then it suddenly went down. It was so sudden that Alice didn’t have time to think. And the next moment she was falling down the well .9
well – колодец

The well was so deep or she was falling so slowly that she had time to look around. She saw cupboards and bookshelves, there were maps and pictures there too. But she was falling down and down. “I must be 10
I must be… – должно быть, я…

Near the centre of the earth,” Alice said aloud. “!11
I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth – Интересно, провалюсь ли я сквозь землю?

How funny it will be to see people that walk with their heads down!

Down, down, down. “Dinah will miss me very much, I think!” (Dinah was the cat.) Dinah, my dear!” And Alice felt sleepy when suddenly, thump! And the fall was over – she was on a heap of dry leaves.

Alice jumped up on to her feet and looked up but it was all dark there. The White Rabbit was still hurrying along a corridor. Alice went after him like a wind 12
went after him like a wind – помчалась за ним словно ветер

And heard the Rabbit say 13
heard the Rabbit say – услышала, как Кролик сказал

“Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it is !14
how late it is! – Как поздно уже!

” and it turned the corner. She turned the corner too but couldn’t see the Rabbit. She was now in a long hall.

There were doors all around the hall but they were all locked. Suddenly Alice saw a little glass table with a tiny golden key on it. But the locks in all the doors were very large and the key was very small and it couldn’t open them. But then suddenly Alice noticed a low curtain with a little door behind it. To her great delight 15
To her great delight – К ее огромному восторгу

The golden key opened it!

Behind the door was a small corridor which lead 16
which lead – который вел

To a very beautiful garden. Alice wanted so much to be among those bright flowers and cool fountains! But even her head couldn’t get through the little door. So she went back to the table hoping 17
hoping – надеясь

To find another key on it. But this time 18
this time – в этот раз

She found there a little bottle with a paper label with large letters on it: “DRINK ME”.

Alice didn’t want to do that in a hurry .19
in a hurry – в спешке

Maybe it was poison. But the bottle did NOT say “poison” so Alice tasted it and it was very nice so soon she drank it all.

“What a curious feeling!” said Alice, “20
I must be shutting up like a telescope – Должно быть, я складываюсь, как телескоп.

”. And now she was only ten inches 21
inch = 2,54 см

High. And she could go through that little door! But poor Alice! When she was near the door she remembered that the little golden key was on the table. She went back and saw that she couldn’t take it from the glass table because she was too small. So she sat down and cried.

“But there is no use in crying 22
there is no use in crying – бесполезно плакать

” said Alice to herself and soon she noticed a little glass box under the table. She opened it and found in it a very small cake with the words “EAT ME” in currants. She ate a little bit but nothing happened so very soon she ate all the cake.

Chapter 2. The Pool of Tears

“Curiouser and curiouser !23
Curiouser and curiouser (неправильная грамматическая форма сравнительной степени прилагательного) – любопытственнее и любопытственнее

– cried Alice (she was so surprised that for the moment she forgot how to speak good English); “now I’m opening out 24
I am opening out – я раскладываюсь

Like the largest telescope! Good-bye, feet!” (she looked down at her feet and they were almost out of sight 25
out of sight – вне поля зрения

). “Oh, my poor little feet, I wonder who will put on your shoes and stockings for you now, dears? I will be too far away. But I will send you a new pair of boots every Christmas. How funny it will seem!”

“Oh dear, what nonsense I’m talking!”

At that moment her head hit the roof of the hall: now she was more than nine feet 26
nine feet – девять футов, 1 фут = 30,48 см

High. So she took the little golden key again and hurried to the garden door.

Poor Alice! This time she could look into the garden with only one eye. So she sat down and began to cry again.

You must be ashamed of yourself – Тебе должно быть стыдно за себя

” said Alice, “Stop this moment, I tell you!” But she continued crying and soon there was a large pool all around her.

Suddenly she heard some sound in the distance and quickly dried her eyes to see what it was. It was the White Rabbit returning. It was beautifully dressed and had a pair of white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other. He was in a great hurry saying: “Oh! The Duchess, the Duchess!” Alice needed help so much that when the Rabbit came near her she began in a low voice :28
in a low voice – тихим голосом

“Please, sir…” The Rabbit jumped up in horror, dropped the white gloves and the fan and ran away into the darkness as fast as it could .29
as fast as it could – так быстро, как только мог

Alice took the Rabbit’s gloves and the fan and began thinking how strange everything was that day. “And yesterday things were just as usual .30
things were just as usual – все было как обычно

I wonder if I’ve been changed during the night .31
I wonder if I’ve been changed during the night. – Интересно, может, меня ночью подменили.

Who am I? That’s the great puzzle!” And while she was thinking about that mystery she suddenly noticed that she had put on 32
she had put on (Past Perfect ) – она надела

One of the Rabbit’s white gloves. “How could I do that?” she thought. “Maybe I am growing small again.” So she went to the table to check it and found that she was now about two feet high and she was continuing to get smaller and smaller. And then she understood that it was the fan in her hand and she quickly dropped it.

“And now to the garden!” and Alice ran fast to the little door but, alas! The little door was locked again and the golden key was still on the glass table. “And I am so small now!”

As she said these words 33
As she said these words – Как только она произнесла эти слова

Her foot slipped and in another moment, splash! She was in salt water. Her first idea was about the sea. However she soon understood that she was in the pool of her own tears.

“I am so sorry I cried so much! I will be drowned 34
I will be drowned – Я утону

In my own tears! That WILL be strange! However everything is strange today!”

Just then 35
Just then – И в тот момент

She heard something splashing about in the pool and swam nearer to see what it was. At first she thought it was a walrus or a hippo but then she remembered how small she was now and understood that it was only a mouse.

Shall I speak to this mouse? 36
Shall I speak to this mouse? – Поговорить ли мне с этой мышью?

” thought Alice. “I believe it can talk. I think I will try.” So she began: “O Mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I am very tired of swimming here!” But the mouse said nothing.

“Perhaps it doesn’t understand English,” thought Alice; “Maybe it’s a French mouse.” So she began again this time with the first sentence in her French lesson-book: “O? est ma chatte? 37
“O? est ma chatte?” фр . Где моя кошка?

” The Mouse jumped up out of the water in horror. “Oh, I beg your pardon! 38
I beg your pardon! – Я прошу прощения!

” cried Alice, “I forgot you didn’t like cats.”

“Not like cats!” cried the Mouse. “39
Would YOU like cats if you were me? – А вы бы любили кошек на моем месте?

“Well, perhaps not,” said Alice; “don’t be angry about it. But I would like you to see 40
I would like you to see – Мне бы хотелось, чтобы Вы увидели

Our cat Dinah. I think .41
you would start liking cats if you could see her – Вы бы полюбили кошек, если бы могли увидеть ее.

She is such a nice quiet thing.”

“No! Our family always HATED cats: nasty things! I don’t want to hear this name again!” the Mouse was trembling down to the end of its tail.

“I am sorry!” said Alice in a great hurry .42
to change the subject of conversation – сменить тему разговора

“Are you… are you fond… of… of 43
Are you fond of…? – Вы любите…?

Dogs?” The Mouse didn’t answer so Alice continued speaking about dogs. But the Mouse was swimming away from her.

“Mouse dear! Come back again and we won’t talk about cats or dogs if you don’t like them!” Alice called softly. When the Mouse heard this it turned round and swam slowly back to her. “Let us 44
Let us… – Давайте…

Get to the shore and I’ll tell you my story and you’ll understand why I hate cats and dogs,” it said.

It was high time 45
It was high time – Давно было пора

To go because more and more animals were swimming in the pool: there were a Duck and a Dodo ,46
A Dodo – дронт (не умевшая летать вымершая птица отряда голубеобразных, обитавшая на островах Индийского океана и истребленная в XVII–XVIII вв. завезенными туда свиньями )

A Lory and an Eaglet and several other creatures. Alice swam to the shore and everybody swam after her.

Chapter 3. A Caucus-Race47
Caucus race – предвыборный марафон
and a Long Tale

The group looked very strange: the birds and the animals were all wet, angry and unhappy. The first question of course was how to get dry again: they discussed it and at last the Mouse said: “Sit down, all of you, and listen to me! 48
I’ll soon make you dry enough! – Я вас быстренько высушу!

” They all sat down at once, in a large ring with the Mouse in the middle.

“Are you all ready?” asked the mouse with an important look, “This is the driest thing I know. Silence, please!” and the Mouse began speaking about the history of England. After some time it asked turning to Alice: “How are you now, my dear?”

As wet as ever ,49
As wet as ever – Мокрая, как никогда.

” answered Alice sadly.

“In that case,” said the Dodo, rising to its feet, “the best thing to get dry would be a Caucus-race.” “And .50
the best way to explain it is to do it – самый быстрый способ объяснить это – сделать это.

” It added.

First it marked out 51
marked out – разметил

A race-course in a circle and then all the party stood along the course. And they began running when they liked and stopped when they liked so it was not easy to know when the race was over. However after half an hour of running the Dodo suddenly cried: “The race is over!” and they all crowded around it asking: “But who has won?”

The Dodo couldn’t answer this question at once so it sat for a long time thinking while the rest waited in silence. At last the Dodo said: “EVERYBODY has won, and all must have prizes.”

“But who will give us the prizes?” The voices asked.

“Well, SHE, of course,” said the Dodo, pointing at Alice with one finger; and everybody at once crowded around her crying: “Prizes! Prizes!”

Alice had no idea what to do, and in despair she put her hand into her pocket, and took out a box of comfits, (luckily the salt water had not got into it), and gave them to everybody as prizes.

“But she must have a prize herself,” said the Mouse.

“Of course,” the Dodo answered seriously. “What else have you got in your pocket?” he asked, turning to Alice.

“Only a thimble,” said Alice sadly.

“Give it to me,” it said.

Then they all crowded round her again, while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying “We beg you to accept this elegant thimble”; and, when it finished this short speech, they all cheered.

Alice thought the whole thing very absurd, but they all looked so serious that she couldn’t laugh; and she bowed, and took the thimble, looking as solemn as she could.

After they had eaten the comfits they sat down again in a ring and asked the Mouse to tell them something more.

“You promised to tell me your story,” said Alice, “and why you hate – C and D,” she added in a whisper.

“My tale 52
tale – рассказ (созвучно с tail – хвост)

Is long and sad!” said the Mouse sighing.

“It IS a long tail of course!” said Alice looking down at the Mouse’s tail with wonder. “But why do you call it sad?” And she continued thinking about it while the Mouse was speaking.

“You are not listening!” cried the Mouse to Alice angrily. “What are you thinking of?”

I beg your pardon ,53
I beg your pardon – Прошу прощения!

” said Alice very politely: “you had come to the fifth point, I think?”

“I had NOT!” cried the Mouse very angrily.

“A knot!” said Alice looking around. “Oh, let me help you to undo it!”

The Mouse stood up and said walking away. “You insult me by talking such nonsense!”

“I didn’t want to do it!” cried poor Alice. “But you’re so easily offended!”

The Mouse didn’t answer.

“Please come back and finish your story!” Alice called after it; and all the others repeated, “Yes, please do! 54
Yes, please do! – Да, пожалуйста!

” but the Mouse only shook its head and soon it was out of sight.

“What a pity our Dinah is not here!” Alice said aloud. “55
She would soon bring it here! – Она бы быстренько принесла ее сюда!

“And who is Dinah?” asked the Lory.

Alice was always ready to talk about her pet: “Dinah”s our cat. And she’s so good at catching mice! And oh, the same about birds !56
the same about birds – то же самое и с птицами

Well, 57
she’ll eat a little bird as soon as it looks at it! – Она съедает птичку, едва взглянув на нее!

After Alice’s speech all the party hurried away on different pretexts 58
on different pretexts – под различными предлогами

And Alice was soon alone.

I wish I hadn’t spoken about 59
I wish I hadn’t spoken about… – Не надо было говорить о…

Dinah! “She said to herself sadly. “It seems nobody likes her here, and I’m sure she’s the best cat in the world! Oh, my dear Dinah! I wonder if I shall ever see you again!” And here poor Alice began to cry again because she felt very lonely and low-spirited. However a little later she again heard footsteps in the distance. She looked up hoping that the Mouse had changed its mind 60
had changed its mind – передумала

And was coming back to finish its story.

Chapter 4. The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill

It was the White Rabbit coming slowly back and looking around as if it had lost something .61
as if it had lost something – как будто он что-то потерял

Alice heard it saying to itself: “The Duchess! The Duchess! Oh my dear paws! Oh my fur and whiskers! I’ll be executed ,62
I’ll be executed – Меня казнят

I’m sure! Where COULD I drop them, I wonder?” Alice understood that it was looking for the fan and the pair of white kid gloves, and she began looking for them too, but they were nowhere to be seen .63
they were nowhere to be seen – их нигде не было видно.

Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice and asked her in an angry tone, “Why, Mary Ann, what ARE you doing here? Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!” And Alice was so frightened that she ran immediately .64
in the direction it pointed to – в направлении, которое он указал.

He took me for 65
He took me for… – Он принял меня за…

His housemaid,” she said to herself as she ran. “How surprised he’ll be when he finds out who I am! But I’d better 66
I’d better… – Мне бы лучше…

Bring him his fan and gloves – of course, if I can find them.” As she said this, she came to a neat little house, on the door of which 67
on the door of which – на двери которого

Was a bright brass plate with the name “W. RABBIT” engraved upon it. She went in without knocking ,68
without knocking – без стука

And hurried upstairs.

Soon she was in a tidy little room with a table in the window and on it were a fan and two or three pairs of tiny gloves. Alice took the fan and one pair and was going to leave the room 69
was going to leave the room – собиралась выйти из комнаты

When she saw a little bottle. This time there was no label on it with the words “DRINK ME” but she still put it to her lips. “I know SOMETHING interesting will happen,” she said to herself “I hope I’ll grow large again, because I’m quite tired of being such a tiny little thing!”

It happened so quickly that in the next moment 70
her head was pressing against – ее голова упиралась в потолок

The ceiling. “Now I can’t get out of the door – Why did I drink so much?”

Alas! It was too late! She continued growing, and growing, and very soon had to kneel down 71
had to kneel down – пришлось опуститься на колени

On the floor. Still she went on growing ,72
she went on growing – она продолжала расти

And at last she put one arm out of the window, and one foot up the chimney, and said to herself “What WILL become of me?”

Fortunately Alice stopped growing but she felt very unhappy. “It was much pleasanter at home,” thought poor Alice, “when nobody grew larger and smaller. When I read fairy-tales, I thought that such things never happened, and now here I am in one of them! 73
now here I am in one of them – и вот я в одной из них

“Mary Ann! Mary Ann!” she heard the voice outside. “Fetch me my gloves this moment!” Alice knew it was the Rabbit coming to look for her.

When the Rabbit came up to the door, it tried to open it but couldn’t because Alice’s elbow was pressed against it. Alice heard it say 74
Alice heard it say – Алиса услышала, как он сказал

To itself “Then I’ll go round and get in at the window.”

But when the Rabbit was just under the window she spread out her hand and immediately heard a little shriek and a fall and a crash of broken glass. Then the Rabbit’s angry voice cried: “Bill! Bill! Where are you? Come and help me! And take that thing away from the window!”

There was a long silence after this, and Alice could only hear whispers now and then 75
now and then – время от времени

And at last she spread out her hand again. This time there were TWO little shrieks, and more sounds of broken glass. “I wonder what they’ll do next!” thought Alice.

“We must burn the house down!” said the Rabbit’s voice; and Alice called out as loud as she could, “If you do. I’ll set Dinah at you!”

There was a dead silence instantly. After a minute or two, they began moving about again and the next moment a lot of little pebbles came in through the window, and some of them hit her in the face. “I’ll put a stop to this,” she said to herself. But suddenly she noticed with some surprise that the pebbles were all turning into little cakes and a bright idea came into her head. “If I eat one of these cakes,” she thought, “it’ll surely make SOME change in my size; and as it can’t possibly make me larger, it must make me smaller, I suppose.”

So she swallowed one of the cakes, and began shrinking. As soon as she was small enough to get through the door, she ran out of the house. She ran off as hard as she could, and soon she was in a thick wood.

“The first thing I must do,” said Alice to herself, “is to grow to my right size again; and the second thing is to find my way into that lovely garden. I think that will be the best plan.”

It sounded an excellent plan, no doubt; the only difficulty was: she had not the smallest idea how to start. I suppose I must eat or drink something; but the great question is, what?” Alice looked all round her at the flowers and the grass, but she did not see anything that looked like the right thing to eat or drink under the circumstances. There was a large mushroom growing near her, ;76
about the same height as herself – примерно ее роста

So she looked under it, and on both sides of it, and behind it, and then she decided to see what was on the top of it.

When she looked over the edge of the mushroom, her eyes immediately met the eyes of a large caterpillar that was sitting on the top, quietly smoking a long hookah.

Аудиокнига на английском языке, сказка Льюиса Кэрролла «Приключения Алисы в Стране чудес».
Глава первая - Down the Rabbit Hole.

Был жаркий день. Алиса сидела под деревом в саду вместе с сестрой, читающей книгу. Алиса решила нарвать цветов, но тут она увидела необычного кролика в синем пальто и с часами, проходящего мимо.

Она захотела поймать его. Но кролик скрылся в норе. Алиса последовала за ним, и вдруг стала падать бесконечно долго...

Alice felt too sleepy to play, and there was nobody to play with. It was a hot afternoon, so she was sitting in the garden under a tree.

Her sister was sitting beside her, but she was reading a book. Alice looked at the book. There were no pictures in the book, and Alice didn"t like books without pictures.

"I think I"ll go and pick some flowers," she said to herself.

She began to get up, but she forgot about the flowers at once because she saw a rabbit.

She often saw rabbits in the garden, but this rabbit was different.

He had large, pink ears, like most rabbits, but unlike most rabbits, he was wearing a blue coat and had a watch in his hand. He was looking at his watch and saying, "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I shall be too late!"

"Oh, what an unusual rabbit!" said Alice to herself, and she jumped up and ran across the field after him. The white rabbit hurried on. He was still looking at his watch.

"I"ll catch him at the fence," thought Alice.

But, when the rabbit came to the fence, he suddenly went down a rabbit hole.

Alice followed him. She was inside a dark hole and she was falling. Either the hole was very deep or she was falling very slowly. She saw lots of things on her way down. There were cupboards on the sides of the hole, and maps and pictures. She fell and fell such a long way! She began to think she was going to fall all the way to Australia! But, after a very long time, her fall suddenly came to an end.

Alice found herself sitting on a heap of dry leaves, and she wasn"t hurt at all. She stood up quickly. She could see the white rabbit in the distance. He was still hurrying and looking at his watch.

"I mustn"t lose him now," thought Alice. She ran after him. As he turned a corner, she heard him say, "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I"m so late!"

Alice was close behind him, but when she turned the corner, the white rabbit was not there any more.

Alice looked around. She was in a long, dark, empty hall, but some lamps on the ceiling gave it light. There were doors all around the hall. Did the rabbit go out of one of the doors?

She walked right around and tried to open each door, but she couldn"t. There weren"t any keys.

"It isn"t a very good idea to run down rabbit holes after rabbits," she decided.

Suddenly she noticed a small table in the middle of the hall. There was nothing on it except a small gold key. She picked up the key and ran to one of the doors, but the key was too small to open the door. Alice was trying all the doors for a second time when she saw a low curtain. Behind the curtain she found a door about fifteen inches high.

"It"s strange I didn"t notice this one before," she thought as she turned the key.

The door opened, but Alice had to go down on her knees to see what was on the other side. The little door led to a beautiful garden. Alice wanted very much to go into that beautiful garden, but she was too big. She wandered sadly back to the table. Then, as she put the key back, she noticed a bottle on the table.

"That"s funny. This bottle wasn"t here before," she said in surprise. She picked it up. There was a piece of paper on the bottle. Alice read these words: DRINK ME. So she did, and the drink tasted so nice that she drank it all!

"Oh, what"s happening?" cried Alice. "I do feel strange."

She was getting smaller and smaller! Soon she was only ten inches tall.

"Now I can get into the garden!" she cried, but then she remembered the key. It was on top of the table and, of course, she couldn"t reach it now because she was much too small.

"I"ll never get out of this hall," thought Alice sadly. "I can"t climb up that table leg."

Then she noticed a very small cake on the floor beside her. She picked it up and read the words EAT ME on top of the cake.

"Will it make me bigger or smaller?" Alice wondered. "I"m not a very useful size now, so I suppose it doesn"t really matter," she decided. She put the cake in her mouth.

"Ow!" cried Alice as her head hit the ceiling of the hall. She was suddenly nine feet tall! She quickly picked up the little gold key and went to the door to the garden. Now she was so tall that she could only see the garden if she lay down and looked through the door with one eye.

"Oh, what can I do now?" said Alice. "I"ll never get into that garden."

She sat down and began to cry. Her tears were so big that they soon made a small lake which covered half the hall.

Alice stopped crying when she heard footsteps in the distance. She looked up and dried her eyes as the white rabbit came into the hall.

He was carrying white gloves in one hand and a pink fan in the other. He was still talking to himself, but Alice needed help badly, so she began, "Excuse me, sir."

The sound of Alice"s voice took the rabbit by surprise. He dropped his gloves and fan, and turned and ran away.

Нам всем с детства известны книги Льюиса Кэрролла «Алиса в Стране Чудес» и «Алиса в Зазеркалье», и мы горячо любим и с удовольствием цитируем его героев. А известно ли вам, что многие из героев этих произведений не были придуманы Льюисом Кэрроллом и существовали задолго до написания его книг? В этой статье мы проведем небольшое расследование и проследим, как появились некоторые из героев «Алисы», а также, что означают английские идиомы, связанные с ними.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Идиомы, связанные с книгой Л.Кэррола

Чеширский кот – Cheshire Cat Идиома: «To grin like a Cheshire cat» – ухмыляться, улыбаться во весь рот Спустя пятьсот лет после Нормандского завоевания Англии (16 век) графство Чешир все еще оставалось независимой политической единицей. В нем был свой парламент, свой суд и свои сборщики налогов. Мировые судьи, назначаемые королем, не обладали властью над Чеширом. Этот регион было мало населен, и буквально за пределами города в графстве не существовало какого бы то ни было правосудия. По этой причине Деламерский лес в Чешире стал прибежищем разбойников, головорезов и других преступников. Однако, во времена правления короля Ричарда III некий господин Кейтерлинг (Mr. Caterling) был назначен лесничим в Чешире. Он не только искоренил браконьерство в графстве, но и взялся за местных злодеев. За первые три года своего пребывания в должности лесничего он сыграл основную роль в казни ста правонарушителей. Господин Кейтерлинг гордился числом казненных по его распоряжению людей, и, улыбаясь во весь рот, от уха до уха, присутствовал на каждой казни. Его злобный взгляд и ухмылка стали настолько известны, что любого, кто так же широко улыбался, стали с ним сравнивать и говорить, что тот улыбается как Чеширский Кейтерлинг (“to smile like the Cheshire Caterling”). Со временем имя лесничего укоротили, и выражение стало звучать как “to smile like a Cheshire cat” («улыбаться, ухмыляться как Чеширский кот»). Безумный Шляпник (Болванщик) – Mad Hatter Идиома: «Mad as a hatte» – спятивший, не в своем уме До промышленной революции в Великобритании в 18 веке мужские головные уборы изготовляли практически полностью из шкур животных. Для того чтобы улучшить качество шкур, во время процесса дубления добавлялось большое количество ртути. Изготовители шляп, которым на протяжении многих лет приходилось вдыхать пары ртути, постепенно впитывали этот ядовитый металл. В результате, многие шляпники начали страдать от трясучки в раннем возрасте. Еще через несколько лет у них происходило нарушение умственной деятельности. В те времена даже врачи не могли определить, что именно отравление ртутью вызывало умопомешательство, преобладающее среди шляпников. Поэтому стало общепринятым называть любого неуравновешенного и странного человека выражением «mad as a hatter». Мартовский заяц – March Hare Идиома: «Mad as a March hare» – безумный как мартовский заяц Впервые поговорка «безумный как мартовский заяц» упоминается в сборнике пословиц и поговорок поэта Джона Хейвуда в 1546 году. Происхождение этой идиомы связано с необычным поведением зайцев в начале долгого периода размножения, длящегося с февраля по сентябрь в Европе. Это странное поведение заключается в том, что зайцы без причины прыгают вверх-вниз без перерыва или избивают друг друга передними лапами как в боксе, - в общем, демонстрируют неадекватные повадки. Шалтай-Болтай – Humpty-Dumpty В современном английском языке слово «шалтай-болтай» имеет три значения: 1) коротышка, толстый и приземистый человек; 2) что-то разбитое вдребезги, не подлежащее восстановлению; 3) политический деятель, который терпит поражение; кандидат на выборах, который точно не будет избран. Любопытно также происхождение героя. Напомним стих про Шалтая-Болтая: Шалтай-Болтай Сидел на стене. Шалтай-Болтай Свалился во сне. Вся королевская конница, Вся королевская рать Не может Шалтая, Не может Болтая, Шалтая-Болтая, Болтая-Шалтая, Шалтая-Болтая собрать! Существует мнение, что этот стих был посвящен королю Ричарду III, который упал со стены во время битвы в 1485 году. Есть еще одно мнение, согласно которому шалтаем-болтаем называли большое крепостное орудие, которое укрепляли на стене для ведения боя. Во время гражданской войны в Англии (1642 – 1649) сторонникам Кромвеля, осаждающим Колчестер, удалось пушечным выстрелом сбросить шалтая-болтая со стены. Роялисты пытались поднять свое орудие, но оно было настолько большим и тяжелым, что им это не удалось. Отсюда и появилась строчка про королевскую конницу и королевскую рать. В современном мире образ Шалтая-Болтая активно используется в рекламе «Киндер-сюрприза». Подведем итоги: все эти герои и идиомы существовали в английском языке еще до появления «Алисы в Стране Чудес» и «Алисы в Зазеркалье», однако, благодаря этим книгам об этом мало кто сейчас помнит, и читатели связывают этих героев исключительно с именем Льюиса Кэрролла. Проблема Возможная причина Что можно предпринять Почему подходит именно этот тренинг Стесняюсь говорить Отсутствует практика, языковой барьер 8-дневный курс разговорного английского языка с погружением VICTORY Тренинг позволяет за короткий срок изучить большой объем информации, расширить словарный запас, попрактиковаться в использовании новых слов, выражений и правил, преодолеть языковой барьер, научиться решать коммуникативные задачи на английском языке Мал словарный запас Отсутствует практика общения и чтения на английском 8-дневный интенсивный тренинг VICTORY с «погружением» в языковую среду, 16-дневный интенсивный курс английского по вечерам PROGRESS Компьютерная программа дает возможность наполнить пассивные знания студента, занятия в аудитории помогают активизировать необходимые знания. На тренинге развивается навык выражения мысли имеющимися средствами (небольшой словарный запас), а также умение понимать собеседника, уточнять, что собеседник сказал По работе нужно вести деловую переписку на английском, но не получается Отсутствует практика общения, письма и чтения на английском 8-дневный разговорный тренинг VICTORY с «погружением» в языковую среду, 16-дневный тренинг английского по вечерам PROGRESS Тренинги практически не практикуют навыки чтения и письма - только минимально, когда студенты читают в папке задания или новые слова. С письмом все так же - только во времени грамматических заданий студенты пишут перевод с русского на английский. практика общения на тренинге нарабатывается и является одной их ключевых целей тренинга (если не самой ключевой) - у студентов есть возможность практиковать общение на разнообразные темы с разными партнерами (по количеству человек в группе). такая смена партнеров не дает возможности адаптироваться к какому-то одному варианту произношения (как при индивидуальных занятиях), а также к темам, которые обсуждаются, так как происходит постоянное чередование тем (и за счет программы, и за счет работы тренера, и за счет того, что у разных партнеров находятся разные темы для разговора во время свободного общения) Нужно общаться с на работе по-английски Отсутствует практика общения и чтения на английском 8-дневный разговорный тренинг VICTORY с «погружением» в языковую среду, 16-дневный тренинг английского по вечерам PROGRESS, 5-дневный бизнес-общения на английском Для низких уровней тренинги дают возможность существенно сократить скорость обучения. Прописанная программа не дает студентам и преподавателям "сбиваться с пути", долго останавливаться на какой-либо, иногда второстепенной, теме. Это же может вызывать и негатив (см в сложностях), однако, для быстрого достижения результата такой подход отлично работает (правда, можно столкнуться с тем, что мы получим студента, который говорит хорошо, но без грамматики, то есть, индивидуальные занятия нужны для того, чтобы вычищать ошибки). Тренинги дают возможность практиковать новые знания на ситуациях, приближенных к реальным с разными участниками, что является хорошей подготовкой перед выходом на работу, где требуется часто использовать английский. 5-дневный тренинг дает много бизнес лексики и полезных клише, а также помогает развивать коммуникативные навыки, необходимые в современной бизнес среде Направления обучения Английскому Разговорный английский Деловой английский Интенсивный английский Экспресс курсы английского Для детей и подростков Базовый Профессиональный Для начинающих Подготовка к Международным Экзаменам Для продвинутых Грамматический английский По Вечерам Для Взрослых По Утрам По Выходным

Еще значения слова и перевод ALICE IN WONDERLAND с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях.
Что такое и перевод ALICE IN WONDERLAND с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for ALICE IN WONDERLAND in dictionaries.

  • ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND — adjective Etymology: from Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll Date: 1925 suitable to a world of fantasy or …
  • ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND — ¦ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective Usage: usually capitalized A&W Etymology: from Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis …
  • ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND — /al"is in wun"deuhr land"/ , adj. resembling a dream or fantasy; unreal: an Alice-in-Wonderland world of incompleted projects and wishful …
  • ALICE IN WONDERLAND — n. story of Alice"s dream journey into a strange world (written by Lewis Carroll)
  • ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND — adjective Etymology: from Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll Date: 1925: suitable to a world of fantasy …
  • ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND — Pronunciation: " a-l ə -s ə n- " w ə n-d ə r- ˌ land Function: adjective Etymology: from Alice"s …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND — adj (1925): suitable to a world of fantasy or illusion: …
  • ALICE-IN-WONDERLAND — ➡ Alice in Wonderland
  • ALICE IN WONDERLAND — noun [ U ] used to describe a situation that is very strange, in which things happen that do not …
    Oxford Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • ALICE IN WONDERLAND — Al ‧ ice in Won ‧ der ‧ land /ˌæləs ɪn ˈwʌndəlænd, ˌælɪs ɪn ˈwʌndəlænd $ -dər-/ BrE AmE (…
  • ALICE IN WONDERLAND — a children’s book (1865) by Lewis Carroll . Its full title is Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland . Alice, a young …
    Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
  • ALICE — Alice Walker (1944–), U.S. novelist and poet. She says: The brotherhood of Muslim men—in all colors—may exist...but part of …
    Advanced Islamic English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — noun Date: 1790 an imaginary place of delicate beauty or magical charm, a place that excites admiration or wonder
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Merriam Webster
  • ALICE — (as used in expressions) Alice Springs Childress Alice Guy Blaché Alice Alice Guy Jane Alice Peters Munro Alice …
    Английский словарь Британика
  • — I. (|)in, ən; usu ə n after t, d, s, or z as in “split in two”, often ə m …
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — ˈwəndə(r)ˌland, -laa(ə)nd, -_lənd noun 1. : a fairylike imaginary realm 2. : a place (as one containing extraordinary natural features) …
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
    Английский словарь Webster
  • WONDERLAND — (n.) A land full of wonders, or marvels.
    Webster"s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — /wun"deuhr land"/ , n. 1. a land of wonders or marvels. 2. a wonderful country or region: a wonderland of …
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ALICE — /al"is/ , n. 1. a city in S Texas. 20,961. 2. the. See Alice Springs . 3. a female given …
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — n. land of miracles; charming region
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Редакция bed
  • ALICE — n. female first name
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Редакция bed
  • WONDERLAND — noun Date: 1790 1. : an imaginary place of delicate beauty or magical charm 2. : a place that excites …
    Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • WONDERLAND — noun a land full of wonders, or marvels.
    Webster English vocab
  • WONDERLAND — ■ noun a place full of wonderful things.
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • WONDERLAND — n (1790) 1: an imaginary place of delicate beauty or magical charm 2: a place that excites admiration or …
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • ALICE — town, Eastern province, South Africa. It lies on the southwestern bank of the Tyume River, west-northwest of East London, at …
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • WONDERLAND — wonderland BrE AmE ˈwʌnd ə lænd AmE \ - ə r- ▷ wonderland|s z
  • ALICE — Alice BrE AmE ˈæl ɪs § \ -əs ▷ Alice|"s ɪz əz ˌ Alice ˈ Springs BrE AmE
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — / ˈwʌndəlænd; NAmE -dərl-/ noun [ usually sing. ] 1. an imaginary place in children"s stories 2. a place that …
    Oxford Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — won ‧ der ‧ land /ˈwʌndəlænd $ -ər-/ BrE AmE noun an imaginary place in stories
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
    Английский основной разговорный словарь
  • WONDERLAND — n. 1 a fairyland. 2 a land of surprises or marvels.
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — n.1 a fairyland. 2 a land of surprises or marvels.
    Oxford English vocab
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • WONDERLAND — Wonderland is an imaginary world that exists in fairy stories. N-UNCOUNT
    Collins COBUILD - Толковый словарь английского языка для изучающих язык
  • WONDERLAND — noun EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ A wonderland of mechanical organs rich with exuberant carvings. ▪ A pair of wide plate …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • WONDERLAND — [C] - a place that has unusual attractiveness or beautyThe family emigrated to New Zealand in 1949, which seemed …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • ALICE — band [C] UK - a hairband
    Cambridge English vocab
  • ALICE — n. Alice Springs Childress Alice Guy Blaché Alice Alice Guy Jane Alice Peters Munro Alice Alice Anne Laidlaw Alice Rosenbaum …
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
  • WONDERLAND — Synonyms and related words: Agapemone, Arcadia, Big Rock-Candy Mountain, Canaan, Cloudcuckooland, Cockaigne, Eden, Eldorado, Erewhon, Garden of Eden, Goshen, …
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • ALICE — A generic name given to someone who is bothering you. Not limited to females. Example: Hey, Alice, if you can"t …
    Slang English vocab
  • ALICE — Classification: City Located in: Texas (TX) Total Population (2000): 19010 Total Housing Units (2000): 6998 Land Area (square meters): 30822076 …
  • ALICE — Classification: City Located in: North Dakota (ND) Total Population (2000): 56 Total Housing Units (2000): 25 Land Area (square meters): …
    U.S. Gazetteer English vocabulary
  • WONDERLAND — n. Function: noun Synonyms: UTOPIA , arcadia, Cockaigne, fairyland, heaven, lubberland, paradise, promised land, Shangri-la, Zion
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
  • WONDERLAND — noun Synonyms: utopia , arcadia, Cockaigne, fairyland, heaven, lubberland, paradise, promised land, Shangri-la, Zion
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • ALICE — < computer , parallel > A parallel graph rewriting computer developed by Imperial College , University of Edinburgh and ICL …
    FOLDOC Computer English Dictionary

Produced by David Widger
By Lewis Carroll

Льюис Кэрролл.
Алиса в стране чудес (Перевод Бориса Заходера)

Down the Rabbit-Hole


Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice "without pictures or conversation?"

в которой Алиса чуть не провалилась сквозь Землю
Алиса сидела со старшей сестрой на берегу и маялась: делать ей было совершенно нечего, а сидеть без дела, сами знаете, дело нелегкое; раз-другой она, правда, сунула нос в книгу, которую сестра читала, но там не оказалось ни картинок, ни стишков.
"Кому нужны книжки без картинок.- или хоть стишков, не понимаю!" - думала Алиса.

So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

С горя она начала подумывать (правда, сейчас это тоже было дело не из легких - от жары ее совсем разморило), что, конечно, неплохо бы сплести венок из маргариток, но плохо то, что тогда нужно подниматься и идти собирать эти маргаритки, как вдруг...
Как вдруг совсем рядом появился белый кролик с розовыми глазками!

"Oh dear!
Oh dear!


I shall be late!" (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT-POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.

Я опаздываю!").
Кстати, потом, вспоминая обо всем этом, она решила, что все-таки немножко удивиться стоило, но сейчас ей казалось, что все идет как надо.
Но когда Кролик достал из жилетного кармана (да-да, именно!) ЧАСЫ (настоящие!) и, едва взглянув на них, опрометью кинулся бежать, тут Алиса так и подскочила!
Еще бы!
Ведь это был первый Кролик в жилетке и при часах, какого она встретила за всю свою жизнь!
Сгорая от любопытства, она со всех ног помчалась вдогонку за Кроликом и, честное слово, чуть-чуть его не догнала!
Во всяком случае, она поспела как раз вовремя, чтобы заметить, как Белый Кролик скрылся в большой норе под колючей изгородью.

In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.

В ту же секунду Алиса не раздумывая ринулась за ним.
А кой о чем подумать ей не мешало бы - ну хоть о том, как она выберется обратно!

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.

Нора сперва шла ровно, как тоннель, а потом сразу обрывалась так круто и неожиданно, что Алиса ахнуть не успела, как полетела-полетела вниз, в какой-то очень, очень глубокий колодец.

Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next.

То ли колодец был действительно уж очень глубокий, то ли летела Алиса уж очень не спеша, но только вскоре выяснилось, что теперь у нее времени вволю и для того, чтобы осмотреться кругом, и для того, чтобы подумать, что ее ждет впереди.