Dark souls 3 анри из асторы квест. Гид по достижениям Dark Souls III

Внимание спойлеры!

Анри из Астора – принц или принцесса, ваша вторая половинка (пол зависит от того, кто именно ваш персонаж – мужчина или женщина: он всегда противоположен вашему). Полные детали квестовой линии Анри всё ещё неизвестны, но этот персонаж является ключевой фигурой в получении третьей концовки.

Ваша первая встреча с Анри и её (его) компаньоном Горацием состоится примерно на полпути к крепости. Поговорите с ними обоими, чтобы гарантировать их более позднее появление, а также получить особый предмет для ковенанта Синие Стражи. Вернитесь в Храм Огня после победы над Дьяконами Глубин и вновь пообщайтесь с Анри.

Найдите Анри в Катакомбах Картуса , чтобы узнать, что она (он) потеряла Горация. Горация нужно искать на локации Тлеющее Озеро, куда можно попасть через Заброшенные могилы. Затем поговорите с Анри вновь прежде, чем сразиться с Верховным Повелителем Вольниром . Ваш выбор в этой части игры имеет серьёзные последствия в будущем, о чём написано ниже.

  • Оставьте Горация в живых, не говорите с Анри до того, как убьёте Верховного Повелителя Вольнира: Анри погибнет в Катакомбах Картуса после того, как вы победите этого босса. Так преждевременно и завершится квестовая линия, а вы не получите никакой награды, в том числе упустите шанс на третью концовку.
  • Оставьте Горация в живых, поговорите с Анри прежде, чем убить Верховного Повелителя Вольнира: Анри покинет Катакомбы Картуса и сюжетная линия продолжится, но в то же время Юрия покинет Храм Огня, а третья концовка автоматически станет недоступной.
  • Наконец, убейте Горация и поговорите с Анри до уничтожения Верховного Повелителя Вольнира: Анри даст вам кольцо от сглаза, покинет Катакомбы Картуса, а сюжетная линия продолжится. Только так у вас будет шанс на получение третьей концовки «Узурпация Огня»!
Вновь вы встретитесь с Анри у костра церкви Йоршки на локации Иритилл Холодной Долины . В этой комнате будет пилигрим, притворяющийся статуей. Его вы можете убить или проигнорировать. Нужно решить это именно сейчас, до того, как Анри покинет локацию. И вот результаты ваших действий:
  • Убейте пилигрима в комнате и заберите заклинание хамелеона. Из-за этого Юрия покинет Храм Огня, а третья концовка станет недоступной. Найдите знак призыва на пути к боссу Олдрику, Пожирателю Богов, благодаря чему вы перенесётесь в мир Анри, чтобы помочь ей (ему) убить босса (если дела идут плохи, то вы можете вернуться и в свой мир). Поговорите с Лудлетом Курляндским после битвы с Олдрика в мире Анри, чтобы получить прямой меч Анри. Если вы посетите Тлеющее Озеро после этого, то Анри атакует вас.
  • Оставьте пилигрима в живых. Найдите Анри у могилы Тёмной Луны: используйте рычаг около костра Анор Лондо и идите вниз по лестнице. У вас будет возможность пожениться на Анри, чтобы открыть для себя в дальнейшем третью концовку. Вернитесь к этому месту, чтобы забрать заклинание Хамелеона, а впоследствии найти и прямой меч Анри.

Внимание спойлеры!

Анри из Астора – принц или принцесса, ваша вторая половинка (пол зависит от того, кто именно ваш персонаж – мужчина или женщина: он всегда противоположен вашему). Полные детали квестовой линии Анри всё ещё неизвестны, но этот персонаж является ключевой фигурой в получении третьей концовки.

Ваша первая встреча с Анри и её (его) компаньоном Горацием состоится примерно на полпути к крепости. Поговорите с ними обоими, чтобы гарантировать их более позднее появление, а также получить особый предмет для ковенанта Синие Стражи. Вернитесь в Храм Огня после победы над Дьяконами Глубин и вновь пообщайтесь с Анри.

Найдите Анри в Катакомбах Картуса , чтобы узнать, что она (он) потеряла Горация. Горация нужно искать на локации Тлеющее Озеро, куда можно попасть через Заброшенные могилы. Затем поговорите с Анри вновь прежде, чем сразиться с Верховным Повелителем Вольниром . Ваш выбор в этой части игры имеет серьёзные последствия в будущем, о чём написано ниже.

  • Оставьте Горация в живых, не говорите с Анри до того, как убьёте Верховного Повелителя Вольнира: Анри погибнет в Катакомбах Картуса после того, как вы победите этого босса. Так преждевременно и завершится квестовая линия, а вы не получите никакой награды, в том числе упустите шанс на третью концовку.
  • Оставьте Горация в живых, поговорите с Анри прежде, чем убить Верховного Повелителя Вольнира: Анри покинет Катакомбы Картуса и сюжетная линия продолжится, но в то же время Юрия покинет Храм Огня, а третья концовка автоматически станет недоступной.
  • Наконец, убейте Горация и поговорите с Анри до уничтожения Верховного Повелителя Вольнира: Анри даст вам кольцо от сглаза, покинет Катакомбы Картуса, а сюжетная линия продолжится. Только так у вас будет шанс на получение третьей концовки «Узурпация Огня»!
Вновь вы встретитесь с Анри у костра церкви Йоршки на локации Иритилл Холодной Долины . В этой комнате будет пилигрим, притворяющийся статуей. Его вы можете убить или проигнорировать. Нужно решить это именно сейчас, до того, как Анри покинет локацию. И вот результаты ваших действий:
  • Убейте пилигрима в комнате и заберите заклинание хамелеона. Из-за этого Юрия покинет Храм Огня, а третья концовка станет недоступной. Найдите знак призыва на пути к боссу Олдрику, Пожирателю Богов, благодаря чему вы перенесётесь в мир Анри, чтобы помочь ей (ему) убить босса (если дела идут плохи, то вы можете вернуться и в свой мир). Поговорите с Лудлетом Курляндским после битвы с Олдрика в мире Анри, чтобы получить прямой меч Анри. Если вы посетите Тлеющее Озеро после этого, то Анри атакует вас.
  • Оставьте пилигрима в живых. Найдите Анри у могилы Тёмной Луны: используйте рычаг около костра Анор Лондо и идите вниз по лестнице. У вас будет возможность пожениться на Анри, чтобы открыть для себя в дальнейшем третью концовку. Вернитесь к этому месту, чтобы забрать заклинание Хамелеона, а впоследствии найти и прямой меч Анри.

Anri of Astora is an NPC in Dark Souls 3 who can be found at the Halfway Fortress bonfire in Road of Sacrifices and speak to them and Horace will unlock the Blue Sentinels Covenant. Anri"s gender is always the opposite of your character"s gender. If Horace is killed in front of Anri then they will cease to fight, drop to their knees and fall into depression.

Anri of Astora NPC Quest

There are two Questlines for Anri and your decisions will matter. For the First Questline, you need to max out Yoel"s questline and level 5 times to get enough Strength while for the second quest you have to kill the pilgrim next to the Church of Yorksha Bonfire and help him/her defeat Aldrich. let"s Lookout for both the questline.

Questline 1

Once you defeated the Deacons of the Deep you can find Anri and Horace at Firelink Shrine. After talking to them, they will head towards the Catacombs of Carthus. Now you will find Anri twice in the Catacombs of Carthus, so head to the bottom of the catacombs and Kill Horace then head up and Talk to Anri. Now before Taking down Wolnir you must tell him/her where was Horace and what happened to him.

Later you will meet Anri at the Church of Yorshka bonfire, and if everything was according to the plan you will find Yuria of Londor, located in the main bonfire next to Yoel"s body will tell you your spouse is ready. head to the Darkmoon chamber and finish the rituals. Thus Completing Anri"s Questline.

Questline 2

Keep following the same pattern as Questline 1 until you defeat Wolnir and Meet Anri at the Church of Yorshka bonfire, here you need to kill the pilgrim next to the Church of Yorshka bonfire. Now help Anri defeat Aldrich by summoning via her orb. Now You must talk to Ludleth to receive Anri"s Straight Sword they left for you. Now you can find hostile Anri the same place where you killed Horace in Smouldering Lake. There are few points which you must take care before getting this ending.

Anri"s summoning sign for Aldrich will not appear unless Horace is killed in Smouldering Lake. If you don"t kill the pilgrim, you can find Anri dead in the Darkmoon Temple, where you can obtain their sword from their corpse if Yuria is not hostile towards you. This was all about Anri of Astora NPC Quest if you want to know more other NPC quest, walkthrough, and collectibles location then make sure you visit our

Anri of Astora is a fellow hollow trying to get the Lords of Cinder back to their thrones, and will be whichever gender your character isn"t, but aside from being one of the only friendly faces you"ll see, Anri is also part of a questline that will give you a different ending to the game if you follow it in the right direction.

To get this option you also need to have found Yoel of Londor, have drawn out your strength and hollowed enough that he dies and Yuria of Londor shows up, and should never cure your hollowing or remove your Dark Sigil. Between meeting up with Anri you should go back and talk to Yuria every so often, to make sure her half of the questline is triggering.

Finding Anri of Astora on the Road of Sacrifices in Dark Souls 3

Anri, and their companion Horace the Hushed, are hanging around at the Halfway Fortress bonfire on the Road of Sacrifices. This is the first place you"ll meet them, and if you speak to Anri here you"ll get a brief overview of what they and Horace are planning to do next. You should then go to the Cathedral of the Deep and kill the Deacons of the Deep, and do this before you go into the Catacombs of Carthus. After you"ve killed the Deacons go back to Firelink Shrine and Anri and Horace will be standing on the stairs to the left of the empty thrones, and Anri will say that they now plan to go through the Catacombs to get to Irithyll.

Finding Anri of Astora in the Catacombs of Carthas in Dark Souls 3

Anri can be found twice in the Catacombs of Carthas . The first time they"ll be upset they"ve been separated from Horace, and the second they will be further on in the Catacombs, still Horace-less. You can choose to go and find Horace or not (he"s found his way to the Smouldering Lake) but he"s sadly a mindless hollow if you do, and you should kill him rather than run away, or it may disrupt the questline. If you do kill Horace, never find him, or don"t tell Anri that you have, then Anri should be at Irithyll of the Boreal Valley like they"re supposed to be.

Finding Anri of Astora at Irithyll of the Boreal Valley

You will next find Anri, now permanently without a Horace, at the Church of Yorshka bonfire, and you can advance Anri"s questline in two ways. In the corner of the church, right of the main doors if you stand looking at them from the inside, is a cluster of statues. Go up and hit them, because one of them is a pilgrim in disguise, and they"re there to assassinate Anri. If you kill the assassin Anri will live, and will put down a summon sign in front of the Cathedral at Anor Londo to ask for your help fighting Aldrich, Devourer of Gods. If you do help then Anri will leave their sword for you with Ludleth of Corland at Firelink Shrine (this will only kill Aldrich in Anri"s world, not yours, which raises a lot of questions about who is actually killing what and how many versions of the Dark Souls world there are, and which one is the real one).

Killing the assassin means that Yuria of Londor will now be in a huff with you and won"t speak to you, closing off the Usurpation of Fire ending to the game.

If you let the assassin live then when you return to the church Anri will be gone, and if you speak to Yuria at Firelink Shrine after you"ve defeated Pontiff Sulyvahn she will inform you that your spouse is now ready for your wedding.

How to find the Darkmoon Tomb and marry Anri of Astora in Dark Souls 3

The Darkmoon Tomb is behind an illusory wall, naturally. The easiest way to find it is to start at the Anor Londo bonfire and spin the tower back down so it"s connected to Irithyll again. At the bottom of the tower is a circular room, and inside it is a statue, which you can hit to find the stairs down to the tomb.

It"s here that you talk to another pilgrim from Londor, and it"s revealed that marrying Anri actually means stabbing Anri"s corpse through the face very solemnly. With this done, though, when you touch the flame at the end of the game you"ll take it for yourself and get a slightly creepy cutscene at the end, where you"re surrounded by a lot of chanting pilgrims and looking all ominous and stuff.

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  • Anri can be found twice in the Catacombs of Carthus .
    1. Just before the staircase with the rolling Skeleton Ball there is a room with two large skeletons wielding giant curved swords. Defeat the skeletons and find a path leading down. The path will be on the right side if you have your back towards the Skeleton Ball. Anri will be in the corner lamenting the absence of Horace.
    2. The second time Anri will be at the end of a rocky path in the room with the collapsable wooden bridge. After bypassing several minor skeletons (beware, a small army of them rises when you make your way towards the bridge), go past the bridge instead of crossing it. There is a ledge to the left offering an alternative path across the chasm. Do not jump off the lege and instead continue right to find Anri standing at the end of this path, still looking for Horace.
  • If the player looks down from Anri"s second location in the Catacombs, there is a long drop to a pool of some sorts littered with items. That"s where Horace is. Head across the bridge and attack the posts anchoring it to the cliff. After the animation completely ends the bridge will function as a ladder. Climb down the collapsed bridge, kill the Fire Demon or run past it and head into Smouldering Lake. Once you"ve made it to the lake hug the right wall and look for an alcove. Horace is inside here, and he will be aggressive. If you don"t kill him, Step 5 will result in Anri"s death if you tell them of his location.
    Note: It is still possible to meet Anri in the Catacombs if you defeat High Lord Wolnir before the Deacons of the Deep
  • Go back to the Catacombs to tell Anri that you found Horace in the Smouldering Lake or say nothing. After this, Anri presumably leaves to go look for Horace in the Smouldering Lake. Anri will still be in the Catacomb"s second location after you have killed High Lord Wolnir, but speaking to Anri, progressing into the Valley, or waiting for awhile, may cause Anri to leave.
    1. If Horace is dead and you told Anri of The Smoldering Lake: Anri will give you the Ring of the Evil Eye. Anri will then progress to the Church of Yorksha, and will then tell you that Horace couldn"t be found in the catacombs. However, a small grave will be found in the cave where Horace was killed, presumably left by Anri.
    2. If Anri is told of Horace"s location and Horace is not killed: Horace kills Anri. After killing High Lord Wolnir reload the area and return to Horace in the Smouldering Lake. You will find Anri"s corpse holding Anri"s Straight Sword . Horace will still be hostile right where you left him. This is a premature end of the questline.
    3. If Horace is dead or alive but Anri is not told of The Smouldering Lake: Killing Horace or telling Anri of Horace"s location is not necessary for the completion of Anri"s questline but speaking to Anri at the second location is: Even if you say nothing of the Smoldering Lake or do not discover it, Anri will eventually move on to The Church of Yorshka Bonfire after beating Wolnir provided you speak to them at the second spot in the Catacombs in such a way that they survive. Although you did not share any information, Anri will still give you The Ring of The Evil Eye upon meeting you in The Church of Yorshka provided you spoke to them in The Catacombs.
    4. Note: If you neglect to talk to Anri throughout the entirety of the catacombs and kill Wolnir, Anri will be at the second location in the room with the wooden bridge. You can then kill Horace and tell Anri about it, triggering Anri to move to Church of Yorksha the next time you load the area.
    5. Note: If you have already killed High Lord Wolnir , never told Anri where Horace was, and they left the catacombs, Anri can be found near the Church of Yorshka bonfire in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley , where Anri will give you the Ring of the Evil Eye if you did not get it before, and the questline will continue.
  • Once Anri is found in the Church of Yorshka, speaking to them will cause them to give you the Ring of the Evil Eye if they haven"t already, and speaking to them again will net the Quiet Resolve Gesture. Once you return to the area, they will be gone and their summon sign will appear in front of the Pontiff Sulyvahn"s boss room - to the right if facing away from the fog gate, on a little pathway, ending with a statue of a hunched over crying woman, much like that on the opposite side where one can summon The Londor Pale Shade.
  • In order to progress down Questline A, you must kill the pilgrim in the corner of the room at the Church of Yorshka bonfire (she is disguised as one of the statues in the corner of the room beside the entrance) BEFORE killing Pontiff Sulyvahn. The pilgrim will drop the Chameleon spell when killed. The ending available with Anri"s storyline is dependant on the pilgrim"s status after Pontiff Sulyvahn has been defeated. If the pilgrim is dead when the Pontiff is defeated, Questline A becomes available, with Anri"s assistance summoning sign appearing outside the building containing Aldrich"s fog gate. If the pilgrim is not dead, Questline B is possible, provided you meet the other requirements. NOTE: Killing the pilgrim will cause Yuria Of Londor to break ties with you, and for her to leave Firelink until the next new game upon reloading into the area after speaking to her regarding this.
  • End (spoilers) : Anri"s summoning sign will appear next to a prism stone in front of the large, golden cathedral door in Anor Londo . Using this sign will cause you to be summoned as a phantom to help Anri kill Aldrich . This fight can be attempted any number of times, regardless of either your death or Anri"s. After killing Aldrich together, you can talk to Ludleth to receive Anri"s Straight Sword that was left for you as a gift.
  • After receiveing the sword from Ludleth:
    1. If you told Anri about what happened to Horace, you can find Anri hostile where you killed Horace in Smouldering Lake.
    2. If you did not tell Anri about what happened to Horace, you can find Anri, again hostile, up on the hill where you find the Crest Shield near the Cathedral of the Deep bonfire.
    1. NOTE: If you help Anri with Aldrich after Ludleth turns into ashes, you will NOT be able to get the sword and locate Anri in either location, in Smouldering Lake or Cathedral of the Deep.
    2. NOTE: If you don"t kill the pilgrim, you can find Anri dead in the Darkmoon tomb, where you can obtain the sword from Anri"s corpse, if Yuria is not hostile towards you.
    3. NOTE: If Pontiff Sulyvahn is killed before you find Anri in the Catacombs, Questline A will break, and it becomes impossible to assist Anri with Aldrich. Their last location will be the Church of Yorshka, but the old woman disguised in the corner will not appear, thus it is impossible to save Anri from being laid out in Gwyn"s tomb.
    4. NOTE: Anri"s summon sign for Aldrich will not appear unless Horace is killed in Smouldering Lake
    5. NOTE: Helping Anri defeat Aldrich will only defeat him in Anri"s world, not yours.
    6. NOTE: Killing Yuria and then letting the pilgrim live can result in both quests failing after Pontiff Sulyvahn is killed.

    Questline B (Lord of Hollows Ending Trophy)

    1. Start : Find Yoel of Londor near the Foot of the High Wall bonfire. Recruit him and talk to him at the Firelink Shrine.
    2. Request his "strength" by allowing him to level you up. Do this 5 times. The option to Draw Out True Strength will only initially be available once, with the option appearing again each time hollowing reaches a certain amount. This process of increasing hollowing can be done naturally or can be greatly accelerated by repeatedly killing yourself (the cliff near the Iudex Gundyr bonfire is an excellent place to do so) Make sure to have Yoel draw out true strength 5 times before defeating The Abyss Watchers. Also, do NOT cure your dark sigils at any point in the game; it is fine to cure hollowing (the stat) through purging stones and the statue, but you must always have the five dark sigils in your inventory. If you need help to understand the concept of hollowing and the dark sigils, please go to the hollowing page
    3. After Yoel has drawn out your strength 5 times, selecting the option again will have him inform you that you "have obtained ample strength." When you next go to talk to him, Yuria of Londor will be standing nearby for you to talk to and as a shopkeeper.
    4. Find Anri of Astora at the Halfway Fortress bonfire. Exhaust all dialogue. Speak to them again at the Firelink Shrine bonfire after defeating Deacons of the Deep.
    5. Find Anri in the Catacombs of Carthus in a hallway before the first rolling skeleton ball. Exhaust all dialogue. Choose dialouge options "no " and "do nothing ."
      Do not tell Anri of Horace"s whereabouts at any point before killing Horace. Doing so will get Anri killed.
    6. After this, speak to Anri again on the ledge by the side of the wooden bridge before the High Lord Wolnir boss. Note that it is not necessary to have killed Horace in order to progress.
      1. Anri will eventually leave for the Church of Yorshka, even if you do not meet in the catacombs. The turning point is whether or not you kill the Pilgrim in the next step.
    7. Find Anri again at the Church of Yorshka bonfire. Exhaust all dialouge. DO NOT kill the pilgrim in the corner of the room when talking to Anri at the Church of Yorshka bonfire. Doing so will void the ending.
    8. After defeating Pontiff Sulyvahn and opening the path to Anor Londo, speak to Yuria at the Firelink Shrine. Use the talk option and exhaust all dialogue. If done correctly, she will tell you that your spouse awaits you in the Temple of the Darkmoon .
    9. Perform the "wedding" ceremony. The tomb is located behind a false statue in the room before you get to the rotating tower in Anor Londo (and after the bow knights). Talk to the pilgrim NPC there and accept the sword. Walk up to the dead body and perform the avowal, receiving Anri"s 3 dark sigils.
    10. Afterwards talk to Yuria one last time at the Firelink Shrine. She will congratulate you on your ceremony and tell you that when the time is right, take the fire instead of linking it. Note: You can return to the tomb and pick up Anri"s Straight Sword . NOTE: You can exit and reload after performing the ritual to save a trip back. Be sure to grab the spell off the Pilgrim that gave you the sword as well.
    11. End : Defeat the final boss and touch the bonfire. Enjoy the cutscene.



    First encounter dialogue

    Oh, hello. How do you do. I am Anri of Astora. Unkindled, like you. This is Horace. A friend and travelling companion. Are you too in search of the Lords of Cinder? We are well along the road of sacrifices. Below us is the Crucifixion Woods. Beyond the flooded woods lies Farron Keep, home of the Undead Legion. Further yet is the Cathedral of the Deep. We seek the cathedral, home of the grim Aldrich. We may go our separate ways now, but we are both seekers of lords. The next time we cross paths, one may find the other in a time of need. May the flames guide your way."

    "Oh, yes, Horace... He"s not very talkative. But don"t think ill of him. He"s an uptstanding, kind-hearted knight, a fine partner for this gruelling journey. Without his help, I would have cursed this onerous duty long ago."

    Attacking Anri

    What"s happened to you?" "Please, stop this!"
    "You"ve gone Hollow, have you? Then I shall put you to rest. Horace! Join me!"

    Upon killing Anri

    Forgive me, Horace... It pains me...to leave you..."

    Upon killing Horace

    Oh, Horace, why... Don"t leave me, not you... Not like the others... Oh, Horace, Horace..." "Oh, Horace, why..."

    Killing passive Anri after killing Horace

    Oh, Horace, everyone, forgive me... I was weak on my own..."

    Dialogue at Firelink Shrine after defeating Deacons of the Deep

    Oh. And we meet again. We spoke before on the road of sacrifices. Anri of Astora. I am well pleased to see you safe. We reached the Cathedral of the Deep, but Aldrich"s coffin was empty. The man-eater must have left for his true home. The little doll in the empty coffin told me. Aldrich is said to hail from Irithyll in the Boreal Valley, an ancient fabled city..."

    "A pilgrim told me that the city lies beyond Farron Keep. And so becomes our destination..."

    Dialogue when first talking in the Catacombs of Carthus

    Oh, hello, how very fortunate. Have you seen my companion, Horace? To my shame, I was snared by a trap, and we"ve become separated. I"ve not been able to find him since."

    Yes, I see. Horace is a valiant knight. He can look after himself, no question. He"s probably searching for me right now, with twice the resolve. If you happen upon him, please tell him that I remain in the catacombs and will lay prism stones to guide him, as always. Please send him my word. I beg of you. May the flames guide your way."

    Dialogue when first talking in the Catacombs of Carthus pt. 2

    Ah, hello, we meet again. Have you seen Horace anywhere?"

    Oh, yes, I see. I"ve searched high and low, with no luck. Perhaps he"s left the catacombs. Oh, Horace, where have you run off to? Have you abandoned me? No, what a horrible thought..."

    Dialogue when first talking in the Catacombs of Carthus pt. 3

    Oh, Horace, where have you run off to? Have you abandoned me? No, what a horrible thought..."

    Oh, goodness me. To think there"d be a lake so deep within these catacombs. What a relief. I knew that Horace was alive, and wouldn"t stray far. Thank you, we are both in your debt. This hardly expresses my gratitude, but it"ll have to do for now. Please take it. And may the flames guide your way." (gives Ring of the Evil Eye)

    Church of Yorshka

    "Oh, I thought it might be you. Good to see you. I never managed to find Horace. But my duty must be done, even alone. As an unkindled Lordseeker. For the children I knew, bless their souls. We all have our reasons, don"t we?"

    "Please, take this. Recompense for my foolish request. And also a token of protection. May the flames guide your way." (gives Ring of the Evil Eye)

    "Ahh, you are brave indeed. To face your duty alone. I would do well to learn from you. May the flames guide your way." (Quiet Resolve)

    (If you kill Horace before Anri disappears from the "Church of Yorshka" bonfire)

    Ahh, I thought it might be you. No, this only bolsters my resolve. Please. Lend me your strength. Help me vanquish Aldrich, the man-eating fiend."

    When appearing to help defeat Aldrich (If you kill Horace after Anri disappears from the "Church of Yorshka" bonfire)

    Ahh, I thought it might be you. Then I"m afraid Horace is... No, this only bolsters my resolve. Please, lend me your strength. Help me vanquish Aldrich, the man-eating fiend."

    Upon defeating Aldrich

    I owe this to you. Thank you. Truly. Horace we"ve done it. We really have..."


    • Anri"s gender will always be opposite to that of the player"s character. Also relevant, Anri is a unigender name in Japan.
    • Anri"s summon sign in Anor londo will be to the left if your character is female, and to the right if your character is male, when facing the door.
    • Female Anri is voiced by Lucy Briggs-Owen who previously voiced Impostor Iosefka, Vicar Amelia and Sister Adella (Bloodborne).
    • If following Yoel/Yuria"s questline Yuira will inform the player that Anri is Hollow and one of her friends is guiding them. At this time if Anri is talked to they will mention that a Pilgrim told them of the path to the Boreal Valley. The pilgrim they mention is certainly the friend Yuria mentions.
    • Anri being hollow could also be the reasoning (or one of the reasons) behind as to why Yuria wishes you to marry them.
    • After killing Horace, you can go back to Anri in the Catacombs and tell them where to find Horace. Whenever you go back to the cave where you fought Horace, there is a sort of grave. It has his shield, weapon and a prism stone. It"s probably Anri that made this, but if you talk to them at the Chruch of Yorshka, they will tell you they never found Horace.
    • Upon attacking and killing Horace (before he goes hollow), Anri will cease to fight and collapse, lamenting his death until you either leave or kill them (which nets you their sword).
    • During the Lord of Hollows ending, Anri can be seen among the crowd on the right side.
    • After defeating Aldritch in Anri"s world, return to Ludleth to claim Anri"s Straight Sword. Regardless of your character"s gender, in the dialogue, Ludleth will refer to Anri as a "boy" then proceed to refer to Anri as female for the rest of the dialogue.