Английский язык. файловый архив рхту. studfiles

Федеральное агентство по образованию Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования


Кафедра иностранных языков


Учебно-методическое пособие

Горно-Алтайск РИО Горно-Алтайского госуниверситета

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета Горно-Алтайского госуниверситета

ББК 81.2 Англ – 923 М 14

Майер Н.Г. Английский язык для химиков: учебно-методическое посо-

бие: Горно-Алтайск: РИО ГАГУ, 2010. – 88 с.

Составитель –

Майер Н.Г. , старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков ГОУ ВПО «Горно-Алтайский государственный университет»


Деменкова Надежда Дмитриевна, пед.н., доцент кафедры методики преподавания иностранных языков Бийского государственного педагогического университета им. В.М. Шукшина

Калкина Елена Николаевна., к.фил.н, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Горно-Алтайского государственного университета

Цель учебно-методического пособия – помочь студентам овладеть навыками и умениями английской разговорной речи, реферирования и аннотирования научных статей по специальности. Пособие включает в себя грамматический раздел.

© Майер Н.Г., 2010


UNIT I.............................................................................................................................

UNIT II ..........................................................................................................................

UNIT III..........................................................................................................................

UNIT IV .........................................................................................................................

UNIT V...........................................................................................................................

UNIT VI ........................................................................................................................

UNIT VII.......................................................................................................................

UNIT VIII.......................................................................................................................

GRAMMAR (EXCERSISES) .....................................................................................

REVISION OF GRAMMAR........................................................................................

Методические указания к выполнению реферативных переводов и аннотирова-


План реферирования...................................................................................................

Союзы и коннекторы...................................................................................................

TEXTS FOR RENDERING AND ANNOTATION...................................................


Краткий грамматический справочник......................................................................

Список наиболее употребляемых неправильных глаголов..................................

Список принятых сокращений..................................................................................



The science of chemistry includes a study of properties, composition, and structure of matter, the changes in structure and composition which matter undergoes, and the accompanying energy changes.

The Russian chemical industry now holds second place in the world in overall volume of production. Much credit for this is due to our scientists whose research has won worldwide recognition. The classical works by Mendeleyev, Butlerov, Zelinsky, Zaitzev, Lebedev, Favorsky and many others not only served as a theoretical basis for the development of the chemical industry, but enabled our scientists to set up a number of modern branches of the chemical industry as well.

The close links between science and industry enabled the chemical industry to make great progress.

The Soviet Union was the first country to organize large-scale production of synthetic rubber.

Zelinsky"s works formed the basis for the synthesizing of a large number of new chemical compounds. These compounds are now counted in thousands, and they are extremely important in the country"s economy. Our scientists evolved an original method of extracting phenol and acetone simultaneously from benzene and propylene. Phenol and acetone are needed for the manufacture of plastics, textile fibres, organic glass and other chemical products.

Scientists are making a major contribution to the production of aniline dyes, and many new dyes have been evolved with their help.

The research of our scientists has revealed the physical and physico-chemical conditions necessary for the industrial production and processing of polymeric materials.

The theory of chain reactions is a major discovery of our time. The development of this theory is linked with the name of the Soviet scientist Semyonov, a Nobel Prize winner.

The successes achieved by chemistry and engineering have played an important part in our country"s achievements in space.

chemistry - химия

to set up - основывать

science - наука

branch - отрасль

to include - включать

close links – тесная

property - свойство

large-scale production –производство

composition - состав

в больших масштабах

codas structure - структура,

synthesizing - синтез


compound – соединение

matter - материя

to evolve - разрабатывать

to undergo – подвергаться

simultaneously - одновременно

accompanying - сопутствующие energy changes –преобразование энергии

abundance - изобилие

overall volume of production –

общий объем продукции

much credit for this is due to our scientists – в этом большая заслуга наших ученых

research – исследование

to win world-wide recognition –по-

лучить всемирное признание to serve – служить

theoretical basis – теоретическая основа

development – развитие

manufacture - производство

to reveal - открывать, показыватьcondition - условие

processing – обработка

reaction – цепная реакция

discovery - открытие

to achieve - достигать

an important part – иг-

рать важную роль

enable – давать возможность


The field of chemistry is now a very large one. There are more than 30 different branches of chemistry. Some of the better known fields are inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biological chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, nuclear chemistry, industrial chemistry, colloidal chemistry, and electrochemistry.

Inorganic chemistry. It eas originally considered that the field of inorganic chemistry consists of the study of materials not derived from living organisms|. However it now includes all substances other than the hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

Organic chemistry. At one time it was thought that all substances found in plants and animals could be made only by using part of a living plant or animal. The study of these substances, most of which contain carbon was therefore called organic chemistry. It is now known that this idea is quite wrong, for in 1828 F. Wohler made an "organic" substance using a simple laboratory process.

Organic chemistry now merely means the chemistry of carbon compounds. Physical chemistry is concerned with those parts of chemistry which are

closely linked with physics as, for in stance, the behaviour of substances when a current of electricity is passed through them.

Electrochemistry is concerned with the relation between electrical energy and chemical change. Electrolysis is the process whereby electrical energy causes a chemical change in the conducting medium, which usually is a solution or a molten substance. The process is generally used as a method of deposition metals from a solution.

Magnetochemistry is the study of behaviour of a chemical substance in the presence of a magnetic field. A paramagnetic substance, i.e. one having unpaired electrons is drawn into a magnetic field. Diamagnetic substances, i.e. those having no unpaired electrons, are repelled by a magnetic field.

Biochemistry. Just as the physical chemist works on the boundaries between physics and chemistry, so the biochemist works on the boundaries between biology and chemistry. Much of the work of the biochemist is concerned with foodstuffs and, medicines. The medicines known as antibiotics, of which penicillin is an early example, were prepared bybiochemists.

It was ... considered (thought) –

предполагали, считали to consist - состоять из

to derive – происходить от

to include – включать, содержать в себе

hydrocarbon – углеводород substance -вещество

to contain – содержать for instance -например behaviour -поведение

relation – соотношение, зависимостьwhereby – посредством которогоto cause – вызывать

conducting medium – проводящая среда

solution - раствор molten -расплавленный

method of deposition metals – ме-

тод осаждения металлов

to draw (drew, drawn) – тянуть to repel -отталкиваться boundary -граница

I. Give English equivalents for these words.

II. Answer the questions.

1) Which branch of chemistry deals with the study of materials not derived from liv-

2) Which branch of chemistry studies the behaviour of a chemical substance in the presence of a magnetic field?

3) What is the study of substances containing carbon called?

4) What other branches of chemistry do you know?

5) By whom were antibiotics prepared?

III. Fill in the gaps with suitable words given below.

1) Diamagnetic substances are ... by a magnetic field.

2) Much of the work of the biochemist is concerned with . . . and medicines.

3) ... is the process whereby electrical energy causes a chemical change in the conducting medium.

4) Electrolysis is generally used as a method of deposition of metals from ....

5) The theory of ... reactions is a major discovery of our time.

6) The close links between the science and industry ... the chemical industry to make great progress.

7) Zelinsky"s works formed the basis for the synthesizing of a large number of new chemical ... .

8) Scientists are making a major contribution to ... of aniline dyes.

9) There are more than 30 different . . . of chemistry.

10) Diamagnetic substances have no ... electrons.

Production, repelled, unpaired, solution, foodstuffs, compounds, enabled, branches, electrolysis, chain.

IV. Make up sentences out of these words.

1) And, phenol, an original method, acetone, our scientists, simultaneously, benzene, and, evolved, from, extracting, propylene, of.

2) Substance, field, the study, in the presence, behaviour, chemical, magnetochemistry, of, of, is, a, of, a, magnetic.

3) World-wide, this, to, scientists, recognition, much, due, research, credit, our, is, whose, won, has.

4) Other, needed, manufacture, textile fibers, plastics, acetone, and, are, organic glass, for, the, products, of, and, chemical, phenol.

5) Physics, chemistry, parts, linked, which, concerned, are, closely, with, with, physical, chemistry, is, those, of.

V. Translate into English.

1) Наши ученые разработали новый метод обработки металлов.

2) Биохимики внесли большой вклад в производство антибиотиков.

3) Электрохимия связана с изучением отношений между электрической энергией и химическими изменениями.

4) Русские ученые основали большое количество современных отраслей химической промышленности.

5) Они не знают состава этого соединения.

6) Советский союз был первым государством, которое организовало крупномасштабное производство синтетического каучука.

7) Этот ученый определил физические и физико-химические условия необходимые для промышленного производства и обработки полимерных материалов.

VI. Translate the text with the dictionary and reproduce it:

Analytical chemistry deals with the methods of separation. Synthetic chemistry deals with the methods by which complex bodies can be built from simplier substances. Physical chemiststry deals with changes in state and with the motions of molecule. But at the present time the scientists don"t maintain this definition.

The discovery of X-rays, an electron, and radioactivity marked a new era in all sciences in and in chemistry. It was a very important discovery in science. It plays an important part in the development of geology and physiology, in technology and in chemical engineering. Chemistry deals with medicine and agriculture as they are all concerned with the properties and change of chemical substances.

VII. Read and entitle the text.

The science of chemistry deals with substances. Chemistry is the investigation and discussion of the properties of substances.

Common examples of substances are: water, sugar, salt, copper, iron and many others.

Chemists study substances in order to learn as much as they can about their properties and about the reactions that change them into other substances. This knowledge is very important as it can make the world a better place to live in, it can make people happier, it can raise their standard of living.

Chemists discovered many laws, investigated many important phenomena in life. They produced many artificial substances which have valuable properties.

Chemistry has two main aspects: descriptive chemistry, the discovery of chemical facts, and theoretical chemistry, the formulation of theories.

The broad field of chemistry may also be divided in other ways. An important division of chemistry is that into the branches of organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.

Read the text without the dictionary and retell it in Russian:

Chemistry is a very large subject. It is the investigation and discussion of the properties of substances. If we ask - why do we study chemistry, the answer can be

It is through chemistry we obtain the knowledge of matter, its changes and transformations.

Everyone understands that science of chemistry plays an important partr in the modern world.

Chemistry plays an important in the development of other sciences such as physics, biochemistry, geology and a lot of other fields of science


Each of the 105 presently known chemical elements is given a symbol which usually is derived from the name of the element. The symbol of oxygen is O, of hydrogen is H, of helium He, of copper Cu, of sodium Na, of plutonium Pu. Groups of

symbols called formulas are used to designate compounds. The formula for water is H2 O, for carbon dioxide CO2 , for sulphuric acid H2 SO4.These symbols and formulas are used to indicate chemical fractions. For example:

2H2 O → 2H2 + O2 (statement: water decomposes to form hydrogen and oxygen)

1. symbol -символ equation –уравнение presently -в настоящее время to derive –происходить copper (Cu) -медь

sodium (Na) – натрий to designate –обозначать

carbon dioxide C02 –двуокись углерода sulphuric acid H2 S04 –серная кислота

to indicate – указывать, означатьstatement – формулировка

to decompose – разлагаться (на составные части)


Simple diatomic molecules of a single element are designated by the symbol for the element with a subscript 2, indicating that it contains 2 atoms. Thus the hydrogen molecule is H2 ; the nitrogen molecule, N2 ; and the oxygen molecule, O2 . Polyatomic molecules of a single element are designated by the symbol for the element with a numerical subscript corresponding to the number of atoms in the molecule. Examples are the phosphorus molecule, P4 , and the sulphur molecule, S8 .

Diatomic covalent molecules, containing unlike elements are given similar designation. The formula for hydrogen chloride is HCl. The more electropositive element is always designated first in the formula.

For polyatomic covalent molecules containing unlike elements, numerical subscriptions are used to designate number of atoms of each element present in the molecule, for example, water, H2 O. Again, as in diatomic molecules, more electropositive element is placed first in the formula.

molecule - молекула diatomic -двухатомный single –единичный

subscript – подстрочный индексpolyatomic - многоатомныйnumerical – числовойcorresponding - соответствующий

sulphur – cepa covalent -ковалентный unlikе –различный similar –подобный

hydrogen chloride - хлористый водопро-

electropositive - электроположительный

One of the cornerstones of modern chemical theory is the Periodic Law. It can be simply stated as follows: The properties of the elements are a periodic function of the nuclear charges of their atoms.

In 1869 Mendeleyev arrived at the conclusion that by the arrangement of the elements in order of increasing atomic weight the similarity and periodicity of properties of various, valence groups of the elements were clearly delineated.

There were several vacant spaces in Mendeleyev"s table which led him to predict the existence of six undiscovered elements, (scandium, gallium, germanium, polonium etc). His confidence in the new classification was clearly expressed in the predictions which he made of the chemical properties of these missing elements. And within fifteen years gallium, scandium and germanium were discovered.

Although this table has been modified hundreds of times, it has withstood the onslaught of all new facts. Isotopes, rare gases, atomic numbers, and electron configurations have only strengthened the idea of the periodicity of the properties of the elements.

Periodic Law – периодический закон

existence - существование

cornerstone – краеугольный камень

confidence - уверенность

to state – формулировать

to express – выражать

as follows – следующим образом

prediction - предсказание

nuclear charge – ядерный заряд

missing - отсутствующий

to arrive at a conclusion – прийти к за-

within – в течение


modify - видоизменять

arrangement – расположение

withstand – выдерживать

in order of increasing atomic weight –

onslaught – появление

в порядке возрастания атомного веса

isotope – изотоп

similarity ["simiy laeriti] cxofl-

rare gases – редкие газы

valence group – валентная группа

electron configuration – электронная

to delineate - очерчивать


vacant space – свободное место

to strengthen - укреплять

to predict - предсказывать

I. Answer the questions.

1) How many chemical elements are there now?

2) What is the symbol of Manganese?

3) What is a symbol usually derived from?

4) What does a subscript show?

5) What element is always designated first in the formula?

6) When did Mendeleyev discover the periodic law?

7) How can the Periodic Law be simply stated?

8) What elements were discovered after Mendeleyev modified the table?

9) Give some examples of polyatomic molecules of single elements. 10)What are simple diatomic molecules of a single element designated by?

II. True or false?

1) Symbols and formulas are used to indicate chemical reactions.

2) Groups of symbols are called equations.

3) Groups of symbols are called formulas.

4) There are 102 chemical elements now.

5) The more electropositive element is always designated last in the formula.

6) Subscriptions are used to designate the number of atoms of each element present in the molecule.

7) Mendeleyev made his discovery in 1879.

8) There were several vacant spaces in Mendeleyev’s table which led him to predict the existence of six undiscovered elements.

9) The table wasn’t modified.

10) Properties of the elements are periodic functions of the nuclear charges of their atoms.

III. Identify the words, each dash stands for one letter only.

arr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Lya _ _ _ _ _

15) f _ _ _ tion

8) v _ _ _ _ t

III. Translate the words from exercise III and make up your own sentences with them.

IV. Find special words and terms in the cross-word puzzle.

V. Read and translate the text

Man at last understood the elements well enough to make his own.

First there were some elements still missing from the Periodic Table. The fact was they were practically missing from nature, too.

Scientists had to make these elements themselves. To make such elements meant first of all to carry on great experimental work. Many scientists worked hard at this problem. In 1919 Ernest Rutherford was the first to change nitrogen to oxygen by bombarding nitrogen atoms with alpha-particles.

To alter an element artificially is to add or subtract particles in its nucleus. The first completely new man-made isotope was created by Rutherford"s method, its creators being Irene Curie and her husband Frederic Joliot. To do that they had to bombard aluminium with alpha-particles. This attack transformed some of the aluminium atoms into a highly radioactive substance. This substance was a new kind of phosphorus, its atomic weight being 30, instead of natural phosphorus 31.

It was no wonder that phosphorus 30 did not occur in nature, its half-life being only two and a half minutes. Thus the Joliot-Curies were the first to produce "artificial radioactivity".

The era of artificial transmutation began with the building of the first "atomsmasher", i.e. the cyclotron. By means of cyclotron and energetic particleaccelerators developed later it became possible to open up the nucleus of any atom. It became possible to add particles to it, and even to create new ones.

The first element produced in this way was the missing number 43, it being named "technetium" meaning "artificial". The aim of the scientists was to discover other elements.

In 1939 a new element was found. It behaved like an alkalimetal, therefore it was to be 87 the missing number of the alkali-metal family. It was called "francium". It was detected in nature. Later that element was produced artificially by an accelerator, and only then did chemists obtain enough of it. For that reason francium is to be considered as a manmade element.

Later scientists discovered traces of an element in neutron-bombarded uranium. They called it "neptunium". Radioactive neptunium gave rise to another element - number 94.

In 1955 chemists could produce a few atoms of element 101, which was named "mendelevium" in honour of D. I. Mendeleyev. The isolation of element number 102 occurred in 1963, it being named "nobelium", as part of the work was done at the Nobel Institute in Stockholm.

a)Entitle the text

b)Divide the text into logical parts. c)Make the plan of the text d)Formulate the main idea of each part. f)Give the summary of the text

Unit 3. Rules of reading formulas and equations.

Список наиболлее важных химических элементов (к таблице Менделеева)






natrium = sodium





Правила чтения химических формул

Буквы латинского алфавита, обозначающие название элементов, читаются согласно английским названиям букв алфавита.

Знак + читается plus, and, together, with, react with.

Знак - обозначает одну связь или единицу родства и не читается.

Знак = читается give, form или produce.

Знак → читается give, pass over to lead to.

Знак ↔ читается forms and is formed from.

Цифра перед названием элемента обозначаeт число молекул.

C + O2 → CO2

1 atom of carbon reacts with 1 two-atom molecule of oxygen and produces 1 molecule of carbon dioxide.

2H2 + O2 → 2H2 O

a) Two molecules of H two plus O two give two molecules of H two O.

b) Two two-atom molecules of hydrogen react with 1 two-atom molecule of oxygen and produce two molecules of water.

N2 + 3H2 ↔ 2NH3

a) N two plus three molecules of H two form and are formed from two molecules

b) 1 two-atom molecule of nitrogen plus three two-atom molecules of hydrogen form and are formed from two molecules of ammonia.

Na2 CO3 + CaSO4 → Na2 SO4 + CaCO3

a) Na two CO three plus CaSO four form Na two SO four plus CaCO three

b) The sodium (Na) and the calcium (Ca) switch

c) The sodium combines with the sulphate radical (SO 4 ), forming sodium

sulphate (Na2 SO4 ) which dissolves in water.

d) The calcium сombines with the carbonate radical (CO3 ), forming calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ).

e) Calcium carbonate does not dissolve in water, and so settles to the bot-

tom of the solution.

Знаки + или -

стоящие в левом верхнем углу, обозначают положительную и

отрицательную валентность иона.

Пример: H+

b) univalent positive hydrogen ion

divalent positive cuprum ion

Al +++

trivalent positive cuprum ion

a) negative chlorine ion

b) negative univalent chlorine ion

Task: - write any 20 formulas and read them - write any 5 equations and read them

Unit 4. Laboratory equipment.

1-63 laboratory apparatus (labo-

test tube пробирка

ratory equipment) лабораторное обо-

test tube rack штатив для проби-


Bunsen burner горелка Бунзена

flat-bottomed flaskплоскодонная

gas inlet (gas inlet pipe) подвод

газа (газовая подводящая труба)

ground glass neck горлышко с

air regulator регулятор подвода

притертой стеклянной пробкой

long-necked round-bottomed flask

Teclu burner горелка Теклю

длинногорлая круглодонная колба

pipe union присоединение газо-

Erlenmeyer flask (conical flask)

вой трубы

колба Эрленмайера (коническая колба)

gas regulator регулятор поступ-

filter flask колба для фильтрова-

ления газа

ния под вакуумом

stem трубка горелки

fluted filter гофрированный

air regulator регулятор поступ-

ления воздуха

10) bench torch настольная горелка

11) oxygen inlet подвод кислорода

12) hydrogen inlet подвод водорода

13) oxygen jet струя кислорода

14) tripod треножник, тренога

15) ring (retort ring) кольцо для ре-

16) funnel воронка

17) pipe clay triangle трубчатый глиняный треугольник

18) wire gauze проволочная сетка

19) wire gauze with asbestos centre (Am. center) проволочная сетка с асбестовым центром

20) beaker стакан

21) burette (for delivering measured quanti

ties of liquid) бюретка (для выпуска

измеренных объемов жидкости)

22) burette stand штатив для бюре-

23) burette clamp зажим для бюре-

24) graduated pipette градуирован-

ная пипетка

25) pipette пипетка

26) measuring cylinder (measuring glass) мерный цилиндр (измеритель-

ный стакан)

27) measuring flask мерная колба

28) volumetric flask мерная колба

29) evaporating dish (evaporating basin), made of porcelain выпарная чашка, выполненная из форфора

30) tube clamp (tube clip, pinchcock)

зажим для трубок

31) clay crucible with lid глиняный тигель с крышкой

32) crucible tongs тигельные щипцы

33) clamp струбцина

42) one-way tap одноходовый кран

43) calcium chloride tube трубка с хлоридом кальция

44) stopper with tap пробка с краном

45) cylinder цилиндр

46) distillation apparatus (distilling apparatus) перегонный аппарат

47) distillation flask (distilling flask)

перегонная колба

48) condenser конденсатор

49) return tap, a two-way tapвозврат-

ный кран, двухходовой кран

50) distillation flask (distilling flask, Claisen

flask) перегонная колба (вакуумперегонная колба, колба Кляйзена)

51) desiccator эксикатор (сушилка)

52) lid with fitted tube крышка с вставленной трубкой

53) tap кран

54) desiccator insert made of porcelain

фарфоровый вкладыш в эксикаторе

55) three-necked flaskтрехгорлая кол-

56) connecting piece (Y-tube) соедини-

тельная (Y-образная) трубка

57) three-necked bottleтрехгорлая склянка

58) gas-washing bottleсклянка

59) gas generator (Kipp"s apparatus, Am. Kipp generator) генератор газа

9аппарат Кипа, генератор Кипа)

c) a short stick with a heavy round end

d) the science that is concerned with studying the

structure of substances and the way they change

e) a round piece of rubber or wood used to close the top

10) rubber tubing

f) a round pipe made of rubber for liquids to go through

g) a substance used in chemistry or produced by

13) measuring cylinder

h) a tube used for pouring liquids or powders into a

container with a narrow opening

15) test tube rack

i) an electric instrument for weighing things

j) a natural process in which the atoms of chemicals mix

17) conical flask

and arrange themselves differently to form new

18) bung/stopper

k) a glass container used for measuring liquid

l) a thing glass tube for sucking up exact amounts of

21) chemical reaction

liquid, used especially in chemistry

m) a small glass container that is shaped like a tube and is

used in chemistry

n) a piece of clothing that is worn over your clothes in

laboratory to protect them

o) a scientist who has a special knowledge in chemistry

p) a glass cup with straight sides that is used in hemistry

for measuring and heating liquids

q) small pieces of thing glass used for holding something

when you look at it under a microscope

r) a hard bowl in which substances are crushed into

powder or verysmall pieces with a pestle

s) a special type of bottle mat you use to keep liquids

t) a special shelf for tubes

u) a support with three legs, used for a camera, telescope

v) small wooden sticks, used, to light a tire

w) a piece of equipment for controlling the flow of gas

from a pipe or container

V. Describe the functions of each piece of equipment.

VI. Read and translate the text

A) All the laboratories of inorganic chemistry are almost alike. These are large rooms where both students and research-workers carry out their experimental work. Modern laboratories of inorganic as well as organic and analytical chemistry are provided with gas and running water. Every laboratory is to be provided with a ventilating hood for the escape of both harmful and unpleasant vapours and odours. Every laboratory has to be lit up very well.

There are many laboratory benches with a great number of drawers in every laboratory. Different apparatus devices as well as materials are to be kept in them. Besides we can see many shelves and cases for containers with chemicals.

On every laboratory bench one can see test-tubes, flasks, beakers, funnels, evaporating

dishes, weighing bottles. All this glassware should be kept in good order.

Various burners serve for producing flames. Bunsen burner is to be mentioned among them. Different crucibles are to be employed when heating of solution and igniting of materials are to be carried out. Crucibles are usually made of quartz, porcelain and iron. In addition to these crucibles, there are platinum crucibles in some laboratories, but they are used very seldom.

B) Every laboratory should be equipped with different kinds of apparatus. Everything in the laboratory is to have its definite place.

Experiments in the Laboratory Many experiments can be carried out in the laboratory of inorganic chemistry. Thus, if we want to obtain hydrogen chloride (HCL) which is often referred to as a hydrochloric acid gas, it is necessary to pour some sulphuric acid through a tube over the crystal of sodium chloride, in a flask. The fiask is to be heated. On warming the fiask, the hydrogen chloride is expelled as a colourless gas with a suffocating odour. It produces heavy clouds of white fumes when it comes in contact with the moist air of the room.

It is soluble and it cannot be collected over water as are oxygen and hydrogen. It is much heavier than the air and may be passed through a glass tube to the bottle. If we dissolve some of the gas in water, the solution has a sour taste, reddens blue litmus, reacts with zinc, etc.: it is hydrochloric acid. When all the sodium chloride originally present in the flask has been transformed, the reaction is complete. The flask then contains a salt called sodium acid sulphate (NaHSO4) together, with unchanged excess of sulphuric acid.

Nitric acid may be prepared by the reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid with sodium nitrate. In the laboratory method, a mixture of sodium nitrate and concentrated sulphuric acid is heated in a glass retort. Nitric acid is boiled out of the mixture and is condensed: NaNO3 + H2SO4 = HNO3+ NaHSO4

Answer the following questions:

1. What do we call a laboratory"?

2. In what laboratories can the students carry out their experiments?

3. What is every laboratoryprovided with?

4. Why is every laboratoryprovided with a ventilating hood?

5. What can you see on the shelves"?

6. What glassware is there on every laboratory" bench?

7. What are burners used for"?

8. What are crucibles used for"?

9. What are crucibles made of?

10. What is it necessary to do if we want to obtain hydrogen chloride"? (describe the experiment)

11. How can nitric acid be prepared in the laboratory?

Unit 5. Description of chemical elements.

Chlorine is an element with atomic number 17, atomic weight 35.5 (thirtyfive point five). It is a gas at ordinary temperatures and is never found free in nature. It is found in nature combined with other elements. At normal temperatures, chlorine is a diatomic gas (C12 ), greenish-yellow in colour and about 2 1/2 (two and a half) times as heavy as air. It liquefies at atmospheric pressure at -34. 1° C (minus thirtyfour point one degrees Centigrade) to a yellowish liquid approximately 11/2 (one and a half) times as heavy as water. The liquid freezes at -100.98° C (minus one hundred point nine eight degrees Centigrade). Chlorine is soluble in water and indirectly exerts bleaching and bactericidal action by reacting with water to form hypochlorous acid.

Cl2 + H2 O ↔ HCl + HClO → HCl + (O) Chlorine Water Hydrochloric Hypochloric

The hypochlorous acid is unstable, giving up oxygen to form more HC1. The oxygen attacks and destroys bacteria; it also oxidizes coloured organic substances, forming colourless or less-coloured components.

As one of the most active elements, chlorine ranks in reactivity about with oxygen. It combines directly and readily with hydrogen and most non-metals except nitrogen, carbon and oxygen; it also unites with all the familiar metals except gold and platinum.

Participating in a number of important organic reactions, in some cases chlorine appears in the final product, as in insecticides (DDT) or in the plastic, polyvinil chloride.

В учебном пособии реализуется коммуникативно-когнитивный подход; используется комбинация отечественных и зарубежных технологий преподавания иностранного языка в высшей технической школе. Цель данного издания развитие коммуникативных навыков общения в профессиональной сфере. Представленные в издании задания разнообразны, специальная лексика широко представлена. Пособие содержит большое количество иллюстраций, способствующих усвоению теоретического материала.

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Шаг 4. Нажимаете кнопку «Перейти к оплате».

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  1. Безналичный способ:
    • Банковская карта: необходимо заполнить все поля формы. Некоторые банки просят подтвердить оплату – для этого на Ваш номер телефона придет смс-код.
    • Онлайн-банкинг: банки, сотрудничающие с платежным сервисом, предложат свою форму для заполнения. Просим корректно ввести данные во все поля.
      Например, для " class="text-primary">Сбербанк Онлайн требуются номер мобильного телефона и электронная почта. Для " class="text-primary">Альфа-банка потребуются логин в сервисе Альфа-Клик и электронная почта.
    • Электронный кошелек: если у Вас есть Яндекс-кошелек или Qiwi Wallet, Вы можете оплатить заказ через них. Для этого выберите соответствующий способ оплаты и заполните предложенные поля, затем система перенаправит Вас на страницу для подтверждения выставленного счета.
  2. Цель пособия - обучение студентов вузов навыкам письменной речи, развитие умений читать литературу по специальности. Пособие включает тексты, заимствованные из оригинальной научно-технической литературы, которые в учебных целях несколько сокращены и адаптированы, снабжены пояснениями и комментариями. В конце пособия помещен краткий англо-русский словарь.
    Учебное пособие создано в соответствии с Федеральными государственными стандартами по направлениям подготовки: «Химическая технология и биотехнология», «Энерго- и ресурсосберегающие процессы в химической технологии и биотехнологии».

    General chemistry examines the structure of matter and the reaction between matter and energy. General chemistry is the science of matter, especially its chemical reactions, but also its composition, structure and properties. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds. It is the basis for the other branches of chemistry. Chemistry studies experimentally and theoretically the composition of matter and the changes that take place in matter. A chemical change involves changes in composition and in properties. A physical change involves only changes in properties with no change in composition.

    Chemical changes are usually accompanied by the liberation or the absorption of energy in the form of light, heat or electricity. All forms of matter consist of either pure substances or mixtures of two or more pure substances. Elements are the building blocks of matter. Compounds are combinations of elements. Most of the elements are metals and most of them will unite with other elements and form compounds. The formation of a compound from simpler substances is known as synthesis. Analysis is the process of breaking down a compound into simpler substances or its elements and thus is the determination of its composition. The composition of a pure substance never changes.

    Структура пособия
    Методические пояснения
    Основной курс
    Урок 1 Грамматика: Группа настоящих времен
    Тема: Chemistry
    Урок 2 Грамматика: Группа будущих времен
    Тема: Science and Scientific Methods
    Урок 3 Грамматика: Группа прошедших времен
    Тема: Discoveries in the Past
    Урок 4 Грамматика: Согласование времен. Условные предложения
    Тема: Science of Tomorrow
    Урок 5 Грамматика: Страдательный залог
    Тема: Technology
    Урок 6 Грамматика: Причастие
    Тема: Laboratory
    Урок 7 Грамматика: Независимый причастный оборот
    Тема: Periodic Table
    Урок 8 Грамматика: Функции инфинитива
    Тема: D.I. Mendeleev
    Урок 9 Грамматика: Инфинитивные комплексы
    Тема: Chemical Plant
    У рок 10 Грамматика: Модальные глаголы
    Тема: Forensic Chemistry
    Урок 11 Грамматика: Модальные слова
    Тема: Ecology
    Урок 12 Грамматика: Сокращения
    Тема: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Обзорный урок
    Аннотирование и реферирование
    Составление описательных аннотаций
    Составление реферативных аннотаций
    Написание рефератов
    Приложение 1. Краткий лексико-грамматический справочник
    Приложение 2. Лексические упражнения
    Приложение 3. Грамматические упражнения
    Приложение 4. Таблица химических элементов
    Приложение 5. Правила чтения элементов, обозначений, формул неорганических соединений и уравнений химических реакций
    Приложение 6. Список сокращений
    Приложение 7. Список наиболее часто встречающихся латинских слов и выражений
    Приложение 8. Правила чтения единиц измерения
    Приложение 9. Наименования основных химических соединений.. Приложение 10. Перечень наименований основного химического оборудования

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    Скачать книгу Английский язык для инженеров-химиков, Кузнецова Т.И., Воловикова Е.В., Кузнецов И.А., 2013 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

    • Русско-английский разговорник для нефтехимиков и химико-неоргаников, Кузнецов Ю.Р., Слоущер В.М., 1985 - Настоящий словарь-разговорник входит в серию русско-иностранных словарей-разговорников для специалистов Он может быть использован при деловых контактах, переводе и реферировании литературы … Книги по английскому языку
    • 50 полезных диалогов на английском языке для тебя и твоих друзей, Кузнецова Ю.Н., 2007 - В книгу вошли 50 полезных диалогов на английском языке для детей 1-го года обучения. Диалоги построены на тех разговорных фразах-клише, … Книги по английскому языку
    • Английский язык, 3 класс, Часть 2, Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Костина И.П., Кузнецова Е.В., 2013 Книги по английскому языку
    • Английский язык, 3 класс, Часть 1, Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Костина И.П., Кузнецова Е.В., 2013 - Новый учебник Английский язык в 2 частях является основным компонентом УМК для 3 класса общеобразовательных организаций и рассчитан на 2 … Книги по английскому языку

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    • Современный урок иностранного языка, Организация и планирование, Насретдинова Р.Р., Стуколова Е.А., 2015 - В процессе модернизации системы российского образования обучение иностранным языкам как неотъемлемый компонент данной системы также подвергается усовершенствованию в соответствии с … Книги по английскому языку
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