Catch one s eye перевод идиомы. См. также в других словарях

1. To attract one"s attention, often by making eye contact. The server still hasn"t taken our order—we just can"t catch her eye.

2. To attract one"s interest, especially due to being visually appealing or attractive. That dress in the window caught my eye immediately—can I try it on? Your store needs a bold sign that will catch the eye of anyone walking down the street. I see that the new girl in school has caught your eye.

catch someone"s eye

and get someone"s eye

1. Fig. to establish eye contact with someone; to attract someone"s attention. The shiny red car caught Mary"s eye. When Tom had her eye, he smiled at her.

2. Fig. to appear and attract someone"s interest. A small red car passing by caught my eye. One of the books on the top shelf caught my eye, and I took it down to look at it.

catch someone"s eye

Attract someone"s attention, as in That window display really catches my eye .

catch someone"s eye


catch the eye of someone

COMMON If something or someone catches your eye , you notice them because they are very unusual, interesting or beautiful in appearance. A flower arrangement caught my eye as I walked into the shop. He turned the page. The picture caught his eye instantly. She caught the eye of 49-year-old Frank Sinatra on the set one day and promptly flew on his jet to Palm Springs for the weekend. Note: You can also say that something is eye-catching when it is very unusual and interesting in appearance. She was wearing a very eye-catching designer hat. There"s an eye-catching headline on the front page of the Sunday Times.

catch someone"s eye

1 be noticed by someone. 2 attract someone"s attention by making eye contact with them.

catch somebody’s ˈeye

attract somebody’s attention: I liked all the paintings, but the one that really caught my eye was a Matisse. Can you try to catch the waiter’s eye? ˈeye-catching adj. : an eye-catching advertisement

2 catch (one"s) eye

1) Общая лексика: привлечь внимание (The caption caught my eye immediately.) , привлечь чьё-л. внимание (The headline in a newspaper he was holding caught my eye.)

2) Идиоматическое выражение: привлекать (чьё-л.) внимание

3 catch one"s eye

Бросаться в глаза

The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store.

4 catch one"s eye

5 catch one"s eye

привле́чь внима́ние

6 catch eye

См. также в других словарях:

    catch one"s eye - attract one s attention I tried to catch her eye but she didn t notice me … Idioms and examples

    catch one"s eye

    catch one"s eye - {v. phr.} To attract your attention. * /I caught his eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at him to come over./ * /The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store./ … Dictionary of American idioms

    catch\ one"s\ eye - v. phr. To attract your attention. I caught his eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at him to come over. The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store … Словарь американских идиом

    catch one"s eye - capture a glance; arouse attention, cause to notice … English contemporary dictionary

    To catch one"s eye

    To catch one"s eye - Catch Catch, v. t. ), n. ge; akin to OFries. [=a]ge, OS. [=o]ga, D. oog, Ohg. ouga, G. auge, Icel. auga, Sw. [ o]ga, Dan. [ o]ie, Goth. aug[=o]; cf. OSlav. oko, Lith. akis, L. okulus, Gr. o kkos, eye, o sse, the two eyes … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    Eye agate - Eye Eye (), n. ge; akin to OFries. [=a]ge, OS. [=o]ga, D. oog, Ohg. ouga, G. auge, Icel. auga, Sw. [ o]ga, Dan. [ o]ie, Goth. aug[=o]; cf. OSlav. oko, Lith. akis, L. okulus, Gr. o kkos, eye, o sse, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    Eye animalcule - Eye Eye (), n. ge; akin to OFries. [=a]ge, OS. [=o]ga, D. oog, Ohg. ouga, G. auge, Icel. auga, Sw. [ o]ga, Dan. [ o]ie, Goth. aug[=o]; cf. OSlav. oko, Lith. akis, L. okulus, Gr. o kkos, eye, o sse, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English


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Meaning of CATCH ONE"S EYE in English

{v. phr.} To attract your attention. * /I caught his eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at him to come over./ * /The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store./

Slang English vocab. Английский сленговый словарь. 2012

Английские словари Английский сленговый словарь

Еще значения слова и перевод CATCH ONE"S EYE с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях и с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «CATCH ONE"S EYE» in dictionaries.

  • CATCH ONE"S EYE — capture a glance; arouse attention, cause to notice
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Редакция bed
  • CATCH ONE"S EYE — {v. phr.} To attract your attention. * /I caught his eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at …
    Словарь английских идиом
  • CATCH ONE`S EYE — attract one`s attention I tried to catch my friend`s eye at the movie theater but he didn`t notice me.
    English Idioms vocab
  • CATCH ONE"S EYE — attract one"s attention/interest.
    English Idioms vocab
  • CATCH ONE"S EYE — v. phr. To attract your attention. I caught his eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at him …
    American Idioms English vocabulary

  • EYE — I Organ that receives light and visual images. Non-image forming, or direction, eyes are found among worms, mollusks, cnidarians, echinoderms, …
    Английский словарь Британика
  • ONE — I. |wən adjective Etymology: Middle English oon, on, from Old English ān; akin to Old High German ein one, Old …
  • EYE — I. ˈī noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English eie, eye, eighe, from Old English ēage; akin to Old High …
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
  • ONE — /wun/ , adj. 1. being or amounting to a single unit or individual or entire thing, item, or object rather …
  • EYE — — eyeable , adj. — eyelike , adj. — eyer , n. /uy/ , n. , pl. eyes , (…
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • CATCH — — catchable , adj. /kach/ , v. , caught, catching , n. , adj. v.t. 1. to seize or capture, …
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ONE — I. ˈwən adjective Etymology: Middle English on, an, from Old English ān; akin to Old High German ein one, Latin …
  • EYE — I. ˈī noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ēage; akin to Old High German ouga eye, Latin oculus, Greek …
    Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate English vocabulary
    Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • EYE — noun tinge; shade of color. 2. eye ·noun a brood; as, an eye of pheasants. 3. eye ·noun the hole …
    Webster English vocab
  • CATCH — vi to attain possession. 2. catch ·noun act of seizing; a grasp. 3. catch ·noun a slight remembrance; a trace. …
    Webster English vocab
  • EYE — n …
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • EYE — specialized sensory organ capable of light reception and, in vertebrate animals, able to receive visual images that are then carried …
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • ONE
  • EYE
    Oxford Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • CATCH — / kætʃ; NAmE / verb , noun ■ verb (caught , caught / kɔːt; NAmE /) HOLD 1. [ …
    Oxford Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • ONE — I. one 1 S1 W1 /wʌn/ BrE AmE number 1 . the number 1: They had one daughter. one hundred …
  • EYE — I. eye 1 S1 W1 /aɪ/ BrE AmE noun [ Language: Old English ; Origin: eage ] 1 . FOR …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • CATCH — I. catch 1 S1 W1 /kætʃ/ BrE AmE verb (past tense and past participle caught /kɔːt $ kɒːt/) [ …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ONE — adj., n., & pron. --adj. 1 single and integral in number. 2 (with a noun implied) a single person or …
  • EYE — n. & v. --n. 1 a the organ of sight in man and other animals. b the light-detecting organ in …
    Английский основной разговорный словарь
  • CATCH — v. & n. --v. (past and past part. caught) 1 tr. a lay hold of so as to restrain or …
    Английский основной разговорный словарь
  • ONE — adj., n., & pron. adj. 1 single and integral in number. 2 (with a noun implied) a single person or …
  • EYE — n. & v. n. 1 a the organ of sight in man and other animals. b the light-detecting organ in …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • CATCH — v. & n. v. (past and past part. caught) 1 tr. a lay hold of so as to restrain or …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • ONE — adj., n., & pron. --adj. 1. single and integral in number. 2 (with a noun implied) a single person or …
    Oxford English vocab
  • EYE — n. & v. --n. 1. a the organ of sight in man and other animals. b the light-detecting organ in …
    Oxford English vocab
  • CATCH — v. & n. --v. (past and past part. caught) 1. tr. a lay hold of so as to restrain or …
    Oxford English vocab
  • ONE — (ones) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. One is the number …
  • EYE — (eyes, eyeing, or eying, eyed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • CATCH — (catches, catching, caught) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • ONE
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • EYE
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • EYE — [C] - one of the pair of organs of seeing in the faces of humans and animalsThey hoped the …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • CATCH — Synonyms and related words: OD, abash, abduction, absorb, absorb the attention, accept, acquire, acquisition, allure, ambition, anchor, appreciate, apprehend, …
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • EYE
    Slang English vocab
  • CATCH — INDEX: 1. to catch a ball or other moving object 2. when the police catch a criminal 3. to catch …
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • CATCH — n. 25B6; verb he caught the ball: SEIZE, grab, snatch, seize/grab/take hold of, grasp, grip, clutch, clench; receive, get, …
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • CATCH — v. 1 capture, seize, apprehend, take or get (hold of), grab, grip, grasp, take captive, hold, arrest, take prisoner, Colloq …
    Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
    Словарь английских идиом
Idiom(s): a bird"s-eye view of sth


a brief survey of something; a hasty look at something. (Refers to the smallness of a bird"s eye.)
The course provides a bird"s-eye view of the works of Mozart, but it doesn"t deal with them in enough detail for your purpose.
All you need is a bird"s-eye view of the events of World War II to pass the test.

a fresh pair of eyes

a different reader, one who has not seen the writing A fresh pair of eyes may find many errors in this report.

a sight for sore eyes

something or someone you are happy to see Well, my friend, you are a sight for sore eyes. Good to see you!

all ears/eyes

attentive(by listening or looking closely)全神贯注地倾听(注视)
Now children,I want you to be all ears in class.孩子们,我要求你们在课堂上专心听讲。

all eyes

watching carefully, staring When the fire truck arrived, the children were all eyes.

all eyes and ears

Idiom(s): be all eyes (and ears)


to be alert for something to happen; to wait eagerly for something to happen or for someone or something to appear.
There they were, sitting at the table, all eyes. The birthday cake was soon to be served.
Nothing can escape my notice. I"m all eyes and ears.

All eyes on me

If all eyes are on someone, then everyone is paying attention to them.

all eyes|all|eye|eyes

adj. phr. , informal Wide-eyed with surprise or curiosity; watching very closely. Used in the predicate. At the circus the children were all eyes.

All my eye and Peggy Martin

(UK) An idiom that appears to have gone out of use but was prevalent in the English north Midlands of Staffordshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire from at least the turn of the 20th century until the early 1950s or so. The idiom"s meaning is literally something said or written that is unbelievable, rumor, over embellished, the result of malicious village gossip etc.

an eye for an eye

an eye for an eye
see eye for an eye, an .

an eye for an eye (a tooth for a tooth)

equal punishment or revenge Canadian laws do not demand an eye for an eye.

apple of his eye

(See the apple of his eye)

Apple of My Eye

Someone who is cherished above all others.

apple of one"s eye

Idiom(s): apple of one"s eye


someone"s favorite person or thing; a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
Tom is the apple of Mary"s eye. She thinks he"s great.
John"s new stereo is the apple of his eye.

apple of one"s eye|apple|eye

n. phr. Something or someone that is adored; a cherished person or object. Charles is the apple of his mother"s eye. John"s first car was the apple of his eye. He was always polishing it.

Apple of your eye

Something or, more often, someone that is very special to you is the "apple of your" eye.

bat an eye

flinch or blink, show a sign of guilt or shame When they asked him about the crime, he didn"t bat an eye. His expression didn"t change.

bat an eye/eyelash

show surprise, fear or interest; show one

bat an eye|bat|bat an eyelash|eye|eyelash

v. phr. , informal To show surprise, fear, or interest; show your feelings. Used in negative sentences. When I told him the price of the car he never batted an eye. Bill told his story without batting an eyelash, although not a word of it was true.

Bat an eyelid

If someone doesn"t bat an eyelid, they don"t react or show any emotion when surprised, shocked, etc.

bat her eyes

blink the eyes, blink in a sexy way Verna just stood there batting her eyes, trying to look sexy.

be the apple of someone"s eye

be someone"s favourite person: "She"s the apple of her father"s eye."

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

each person has a different idea of what is beautiful, one man"s garbage... "To him, the statue is elegant; to me, it"s ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Different people have different tastes.

Bedroom eyes

Someone with bedroom eyes has a sexy look in their eyes.

believe my eyes

(See can"t believe my eyes)

believe one"s eyes|believe|eye|eyes

v. phr. 1. To believe what one sees; trust one"s eyesight. Used with a negative or limiter or in an interrogative or conditional sentence. Is that a plane? Can I believe my eyes? 2. To be made sure of seeing something. She saw him there but she could hardly believe her eyes.

better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick

a catch-phrase that expresses that a situation could be much worse, hence one should be grateful

Better than a stick in the eye

If something is better than a stick in the eye, it isn"t very good, but it is better than nothing.

Bird"s eye view

If you have a bird"s eye view of something, you can see it perfectly clearly.

bird"s-eye view

Idiom(s): bird"s-eye view


a view seen from high above. (Refers to the height of a flying bird.)
We got a bird"s-eye view of Cleveland as the plane began its descent.
From the top of the tower you get a splendid bird"s-eye view of the village.

birds-eye view

a general view from above Let

black eye

an eye injury that causes the skin to turn black """How"d you get the black eye?"" ""Fighting - in a hockey game."""

black eye|black|eye

n. 1. A dark area around one"s eye due to a hard blow during a fight, such as boxing. Mike Tyson sported a black eye after the big fight. 2. Discredit. Bob"s illegal actions will give a black eye to the popular movement he started.

Blink of an eye

If something happens in the blink of an eye, it happens so fast it is almost impossible to notice it.

Blue-eyed boy

Someone"s blue-eyed boy is their favourite person.


a person who squints or has a injured eye


cross-eyed or having a squint

bright eyed and bushy tailed

frisky, lively, full of life Perry is bright eyed and bushy tailed tonight. He looks rested.

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Idiom(s): bright-eyed and bushy-tailed


very cheerful and eager. (Refers to the twinkling eyes and quick, energetic movements of a squirrel. Fixed order.)
She appeared at the top of the stairs, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to start the day.
I am awake, but I am hardly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.


wide-eyed with surprise The little boy was bug-eyed when he got a new bicycle for a birthday present.


adj. , slang Wide-eyed with surprise. He stood there bug-eyed when told that he had won the award.

can"t believe my eyes

cannot believe what I see, it is unbelievable When you walked into that cafe, I couldn"t believe my eyes.

Cast sheep"s eyes at

If you cast sheep"s eyes at at someone, you look lovingly or with longing at them.

catch one"s eye

attract one"s attention/interest.

catch one"s eye|catch|eye

v. phr. To attract your attention. I caught his eye as he moved through the crowd, and waved at him to come over. The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store.

catch sb"s eye

attract sb."s attention 引人注目
The dress in the window caught her eye when she passed the store,橱窗里的服装吸引了她。

catch someone"s eye

to be attractive to someone: "The shy man at the back of the class caught my eye."

catch your eye

cause you to look, get your attention When I was in Paris, a Peugeot cabriolet caught my eye. Ah!


1. to stare at a woman/man with sexual intentions
2. a stud with many women