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      Inevitable Destiny (H)Corrupted Destiny guild Skywall/Drak"thul US realm😎 Corrupted Destiny IS one of Skywall"s oldest and largest standing guilds - very active with a large player base! We’ve always got something going on: mythic dungeons, normal runs for alts, Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Incursions, Transmog runs (aka "Chu"s Shopping Trips), Raiding, Brawler’s guild activities... Even random activities like fishing at Darkmoon Faire while standing on water and wearing a fish head side by side!! All adult guild 18+ years old.

      Raid-wise we are 9/9 N Dazar"alor and have members with 9/9 H experience. Our raid schedule currently is 5:30pm PST (8:30pm EST) to 9pm PST (11pm EST) Thursday and Monday. (Subject to change as we try to accommodate more members).
      We have an active FB page and Discord server that is up to date on ALL game info as it happens, and of course fun stuff... as it happens as well!
      As always, we are recruiting. Looking for raiders (healers preferred but all are welcome), casuals, in betweens, anyone who is looking for a guild! Do NOT be intimidated to ask to join us even though you are not level 120! Come and join us! We maintain a ZERO drama policy!!
      Come experience the reason a guild as old as CD continues to stand and stand strong year after year after year! Come...... and get.... CORRUPTED!!!
      Chu#12466 - Wanheda#11925


      Guild: Dawn of the Dead | http://www.dotd.org Faction: Horde | Server: Zul"jin (PvE) | Timezone: EST Current Progression: 8/9M BoD | 2/2H CoS | 8/8M Uldir CE We"ve been raiding max size raids continuously since WoW has been released and are the only guild to have done so here on Zul"jin. We have strong leadership, no drama, and plans to keep raiding for years to come. Unlike many guilds, we"re not recruiting for the short term, and we don"t over-recruit. Website: www.dotd.org
      Raid Times: Our schedule is 8-11 EST Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Needs: We are a small guild, and we expect high attendance. As such, we recruit people to raid, and desire people who can step in and contribute immediately. We don’t recruit people to sit around, so all spots are for raiders who can expect to be in most every raid. We are currently looking to add skilled and reliable:
      Ranged DPS: High: Shadow Priest, Mage Medium: Warlock 1 Healer:
      High: Resto Shaman, Mistweaver Monk

      *ALL exceptional applicants will be considered regardless of the class. What we ask of you: Effort: Not all applicants come from highly progressed guilds, and that’s okay, but it does mean that you need to be prepared. We recruit the player, not the gear, but we do ask that you have some current experience. You need to have the best gear available to you with top end enchants and gems where available. You also need to be able to display an understanding of your class mechanics, role in a raid, and ability to learn new fights. Attitude: It’s a game. We play for fun. How you fit in with the guild is taken very seriously. We’re a bunch of mostly 18-30 guys and girls who have fun playing together. While we have a good time, we also know when it’s time to buckle down and work hard. Skill: The best way to determine skill is to see you in a raid. Because we don’t wish to have anyone transfer that we’re not serious about, be able to express your knowledge of your class and why you’re an exceptional player who would be an asset and is worth a shot. Gear will come with time. Skill will not. Impress us with your knowledge of your class and gameplay mechanics. Feel free to share any logs, theorycrafting, or other work you"ve done. Commitment: We make a commitment to you, and ask you to do the same to us. A raid takes a team of more than 20 individuals working together. We rely on you to show up to raids, research your class and new fights, respect your fellow players, and notify us when you are unavailable. You rely on us for gear, experience, and coordination. It"s a large investment of our time to train and gear new players, and we ask the same investment on your part so that we can each benefit. We have a variety of informational resources available to prospective applicants on our web site: http://www.dotd.org-- please refer to our "Applications" forum for detailed information. Also feel free to visit us on WoWProgresss for more information and kill videos! http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/...wn+of+the+Dead Should you wish to speak to someone in-game, please don"t hesitate to reach out to an officer directly, whisper Alloren (Alloren#1606), Xanah (Xana#1662) or Jeare (Jeare#1759). We look forward to hearing from you soon!


      is an old guild from Dragonblight which transferred to Stormrage in search of mythic raiders. We are a guild full of experienced raiders always looking to expand our roster.
      We are not a world first guild nor do we aim to be. Our primary goal is to get loot and have a good time, however this still means on progression nights we do expect you to show up, put on your serious face, and kill some *filtered*.
      Our raids are on 3 nights a week; Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9pm-12 Server Time (EST). The Monday raids are optional farm/alt nights (Normal/Heroic) with Tuesday/Wednesday being mandatory progression nights.
      Currently we are accepting applications for any role, off specs are always a welcome addition but not required. Performance and skill will be looked at above gear, experience, or class.
      We do not have a minimum item level required to join our raid team, however we will require you to catch up in our Monday farm-runs up until you are at a mythic level.
      If you have any questions or are interested in joining or trialing with us please add Pasha#1800, Java#1849 or Bushido#1988 on bnet to talk with an officer.


      I came to Icy Veins to setup my Elemental Shaman only to find your Talent setup does not match what is offered in the game presently. Below I have listed what I see in my current in-game talent setup and bolded those items that do not match your setup at all.
      Current in-game Talents listed: Your Listing:
      15 Exposed Elements Echo of the Elements Elemental Blast Earthen Rage 30 Aftershock Master of Elements Totem Mastery Call the Thunder 45 Spirit Wolf Earth Shield Static Charge 60 High Voltage Storm Elemental Liquid Magma Totem Master of the Elements 75 Nature"s Guardian Ancestral Guidance Wind Rush Totem 90 Earthen Rage Primal Elementalist Icefury Surge of Power 100 Unlimited Power Stormkeeper Ascendance I thought someone here should know about these differences because it appears there has been no update recently to your setup. I know that I personally would appreciate an update so that I can adjust my in-game setup to work better.


      SERVER: Illidan
      RAID TIMES: Fridays & Sundays 10pm - 1am/2am* Server Time (CT)
      iLVL REQUIREMENT: 365+

      Tank Healer Need Holy Paladin All DPS Pref Mage/Shaman for BL ABOUT US
      Currently looking for skilled semi-hardcore raiders for Mythic Uldir and the next raid tier.
      Booty Pirates is a semi-hardcore, close-knit late night guild that hangs out in Discord frequently. We enjoy joking around, playing alts, doing Mythic+, playing other games, or just hanging out.
      Players wanting just Mythic+ and a casual experience (no raiding) are welcomed!
      Fun guild events are scheduled often!
      TLDR; we"re very social with guild members that actually talk to each other.
      (18+ required, we talk like pirates!)
      *Raid can be extended to 4 hours on Fridays, but will be announced ahead of time.
      Please follow the link below to fill out our app. (For both Raiders and Mythic+/Casual.)
      Start the app here!
      Battle.net ID: LadyPluu#1299
      In-Game Name: Pluu

  • Прошло достаточно времени с момента выхода рейда Битва за Дазар’Алор и второго сезона BFA в целом, чтобы судить о изменении баланса и урона классов. Рейтинг ДПС ниже составлен на основе логов из героического режима Битвы за Дазар’Алор и Горнила Штормов.

    ТОП-10 ДПС специализаций в WoW 8.1.5

    10. Ретри паладин

    Сместив с 10-й строчки Фури Вара, заметно усилившись в патче 8.1.5 занимает его место.

    9. Разбойник Ликвидация

    8. Фрост маг

    В патче 8.0 все спеки магов были довольно слабы по урону. Однако сейчас эту оплошность поправили и, к примеру, занимает 8 место, что очень недурно.

    7. ДХ Истребление

    Всегда найдет место в рейде за счет своей исключительной мобильности, хорошей выживаемости и самоисцелению, полезности рейду и, конечно же, урону. В 8.1 ДХ с верхних строчек списка урону никуда не денутся.

    6. Элем Шаман

    Шаманы также не были в списке лучших по дамагу, но в 8.1 смог пробиться аж в топ-6 по ДПСу.

    5. Разбойник Головорез

    Еще один спек разбойников в топе. Очевидно, что в патче 8.1 Роги — один из сильнейших классов

    4. Аффли лок

    К и к Чернокнижникам в целом было много вопросов в начале аддона. Однако сейчас почти все спеи выбились в топ и стали очень популярны.

    3. Дестро лок

    Второй подряд спек Чернокнижника в топе. апнули и теперь оно в топ-3.

    2. Баланс друид

    — до сих пор единственный играбельный ДД спек у друида, т.к. Фералы еще с 8.0 где-то внизу списка ДПС.

    1. ШП Прист

    Полная неожиданность, но в рейде Битва за Дазар’Алор и второго сезона BFA лучшим дамагером стал . Ослабив его после Легиона, Blizzard провела работу над ошибками, усилила способности и азеритовые трейты у ШП. Теперь он занимает лидирующее первое место в списке ТОП ДПС.

    Рейтинг составлен на основе данных логов от игроков, которые прекрасно владеют своим спеком и могут выжать из него практически максимум. Если ваши результаты отличаются от представленных выше — это нормально. Некоторым классам значительно легче выжать определенный показатель по урону, чем другим.

    These rankings are created using SimulationCraft, a program that is highly tested and trusted for simulating in-game encounters with characters.

    We use SimulationCraft because simulators permit a high degree of control by allowing us to use specific talents, rotations, gear, possible boss mechanics, etc. to arrive at repeatable results that can be compared across specs and time. Also, simulators allow us to average out results from thousands of fights to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time and not in one amazing fight.

    If you are curious to learn about the simulation fight encounters of Max and Real, we recommend to read our past articles that describe them in Part I and Part II .

    Common Questions

    The damage meters for my boss fights look very different than these rankings. Why?

    There are any number of reasons why in-game results will differ from simulated (or log based) results. A few common differences include the following.

    • Fight Length: Dungeons and LFR raids often have shorter fight durations which can result in much higher DPS as the value of DPS cooldowns is greatly increased in short fights.
    • Multiple Targets: The current DPS rankings offer strictly single-target and splash-AoE (1 main target+2). There are scenarios in-game where there are a lot more targets which can allow for much more aggressive AoE.
    • Player Variables: Skill, latency, gear, a lucky string of crits, etc. can all significantly impact in-game DPS. Rankings can help represent general trends, but they’ll rarely predict the outcome of a specific encounter with all its unique factors.

    How do these rankings compare to other sources that use raid logs to show spec comparisons?

    Raid log sites offer a perspective on how some of top players are performing with each spec. These rankings can be helpful to understand how specs are faring in the current raid tier and often reveal unexpected synergies between specific specs and boss encounters. However, log based sites are subject to their own data problems including players who artificially boost their DPS by employing technical or social exploits, changes in popularity of specs, uneven sample sizes, and generally unrepeatable or uncontrolled results.

    While simulators allow us to get a feel for how a spec performs all of the time through averaging out thousands of fight results, it is important to note that simulators are generally weak when modeling specific fights in a raid tier, and additionally they rely on data that is as good as the theorycrafting community is able to produce.

    Overall, no single DPS ranking is perfect and they should all be considered when evaluating specs. Simulators and log based solutions both offer value to the WoW community.

    Вышло обновление World of Warcraft 8.2 Возвращение Азшары, и в игру были введены дополнения и различные доработки. Изменения, как и всегда, коснулись и баланса классов. Взглянем на данные с логов реальных игроков (не симуляция) в патче 8.2 в битве с рейдовыми боссами, и выделим ТОП-10 классов , наносящих больше всего урона. Учтите, что список может меняться в зависимости от поступления новых данных и исправлениях классов.

    ТОП-10 ДПС Классов в WoW 8.2

    10. БМ Хант (Охотник Повелитель Зверей)

    На десятом месте с хорошим результатом расположился Охотник ветки Повелитель зверей. Учитывая довольно простую ротацию и низкий порог вхождения — отличный результат для охотника

    9. Ретри Паладин (Паладин Воздаяние)

    Паладин расположился на девятом месте, лишь немного обогнав БМ Охотника.

    8. Рога Головорез

    Оба следующих места в нашем ТОПе ДПС займут Разбойники. На восьмом месте расположился Головорез

    7. Рога Ликвидация

    Разбойник ветки Ликвидация хоть и находится чуть выше в рейтинге, чем Головорез, однако разница между ними не существенна. Можно сказать, что обе эти ветки равны по силе и не уступают другим ДД спекам, чего не скажешь о Скрытности.

    6. ДХ Истребление

    Охотник на Демонов с самого своего появления был очень мощным и гибким классом. Особенно смертоносен в АОЕ-ситуациях. На данный момент располагается на шестом месте.

    5. Баланс Друид

    Друид Сова хоть и имеет довольно сложную ротацию, она окупается высоким уроном и почетным, пятым местом в списке ДПС.

    4. Сура Хант

    Неожиданно, охотник Выживание находится очень высоко в топе. В патче 8.2 Blizzard усилили охотника ближнего боя, что и позволило ему занять четвертое место.

    3. Элем Шаман

    А открывает тройку лидеров по урону — Шаман специализации Стихии. Имея в арсенале довольно взрывную ротацию, выдает очень много урона и явно будет полезен в рейде.

    2. Аффли лок

    Чернокнижник «Колдовство» еще с Легиона находится на первых местах по урону. Ничего не изменилось и в БФА — второе место

    1. Аркан Маг

    Еще одна неожиданность — Маг специализации Тайная Магия на первом месте. Разработчики тщательно изучили недостатки спека при старте аддона и исправили их, сделав из Аркан Мага настоящую машину для убийств.